- Historical Features of Radobis and Bride of Madaen: A Comparative Study
Zahra Asadi, aliasghar habibi *, abdolhamid ahmadi - A postcolonial reading of Hekayah kefaah zed Al_estemaar based on Edward Said’s ideas
Ali Asvadi, Abdollah Hoseini, Zahra Asadollahi * - Cultural Patterns in Abdul Reda Saleh Muhammad’s The captives of the mythical state
Askar Babazadeh aghdam *, Ebrahim Namdari, Hossein Taktabar Firoozjaii, Mees Al Zeydavi - The narrative structure in Yahya Al-Sinwar’s Thistles and Cloves
Monireh Zibaei *, Ibrahim Ali Naithal Al-Gharabi - Religious heritage as a technique in the poetry of Ahmed bin Alwan
Yosra Shadman *, Nemat Azizi, kholud khazir abed - Sociological analysis of the phenomenon of voices in Zahran Al Qasimi’s Alienation of the water diviner
Haidar Mahallati *
- Year 1983
- Year 2025
- Year 2024
- Year 2023
- Year 2022
- Year 2021

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Accepted Article
- Hanna Mina's strategy about love and the Syrian struggle against the French colonizers in the novel "The Struggle of Two Women" in light of Fairclough's critical discourse approach
POURAN REZAEI, Ali Khaleghi * - The narrator in the Swadiya Maqama by Muhammad Mu'min Al-Jaza'iri Al-Shirazi
hosein marashi *, Azam Sadegian - Features of existential conflicts in Mustafa Mahmoud’s novels (The Impossible novel as a model)
Naeem Amouri, جواد سعدون زاده, yousef Motaqiannia * - analysis of the characters of the story "Osfour Al-Sheta Al-Mohajer" based on the action pattern of Grimas
Azam Shamsoddini Fard *, Nayyere Askari
Journal Information
- Publisher:Kharazmi University & Iranian Association of Arabic Language & literature
- Director-in-Charge: Dr.Seyyed Adnan Eshkevari
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Houman Nazemian
- Print ISSN: 2676-7740
- Online ISSN: 2717-0179
- Current Issue: 2025، Volume 6، Number 2
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