
Studies in Arabic Narratology
Dear Researchers
We are happy to announce that the journal has successfully passed the initial academic evaluation process by Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and is affiliated and took scientific research certificate from The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology on 20/3/2020. 
Instructions for authors
Instructions for authors
Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to SAN. These instructions will ensure your manuscript can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as carefully as possible, so that your paper matches the journal’s requirements. There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor under review in any other journal.

Manuscripts should be ordered as follows: title page; abstract; keywords; main text; and references.
The language of publishing
The language of publishing articles in the Journal of San is mainly Arabic, but researchers can send research papers in Persian, Arabic and English to the journal, and the publishing condition is that after obtaining the approval of the arbitration committee for the article sent in Persian and implementing the amendments of the arbitrators, the article is Arabized into Arabic and It is possible to publish articles in English, provided that the approval of the arbitration committee is obtained, and provided that Arabic and Persian abstracts are added to the text. The arbitration process for articles sent in English to the journal is carried out by international professors who deal and cooperate with the journal. They are fluent in the English language and specialize in studies of Arabic language and literature In the world.

Word Limits
Please include a word count for your paper.
A typical paper for this journal should be no more than 7500 words; this limit includes references; tables; figure captions; footnotes; endnotes.
Style and formatting
- Alagh pen should be used for Arabic parts; Times New Roman should be used for the English abstract.
- Left and right margins should be 1.5 inches (3.8 cm).
- Font: 15 for pt. for the title; 14 for pt. for headings; 13 for pt. for sub-headings; 12 for pt. for the body; 10 for pt. for footnotes. The main headings in the text are numbered with basic numbers: 1, 2 and 3 ... sub headings are numbered 1-1, etc. 

Checklist: what to include
1. Author details. All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. Where available, please also include ORCiDs. One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address normally displayed in the article PDF and the online article.
2. A non-structured abstract of of no more than
250-350 words should provided both in Arabic and English.
3. no more than
7 keywords are allowed.
4. The title of the article should not exceed 12 words.
5. Tables and figures should be numbered and labeled within the mamuscript.

A list of cited works must be provided in alphabetical order based on APA style (American Psychological Association). In-text citations should be like: the author's last name, publication date: page number(s).
Non-Arabic names mentioned in the text shoul be written in Arabic in references. 
Brief information about the website of the Journal of Studies in the Arabic Sardinia

Language: Full Text in Arabic (abstract and sources in English) Type of journal:Scientific         
Type of Publicationelectronic Issues per Year: 2
Ranking according to  Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology: In the case of evaluation Article review process:
By the internal and internationalreviewers
Acceptance Rate  in Issue 2(Spring and summer 2021) :31/57% Scope: Arabic Narratology
Publication cost: 6000000 Rials Electronic ISSN:2717-0179
Print ISSN: 2676-7740
Kharazmi University & The Iranian Association of Arabic Language and Literature
Manager In Charge: Dr. Seyzed Adnan Eshkevari
Editor in Chief: Prof. Kobra Roshanfekr Administrative Manager: Dr. Ali Asvadi
Executive & Electronic Editor:
Dr. Abdollah Hosseini
Experts Journal: Ali Savari
Arabic Editor: Dr. Syed Adnan Eshkevari English Editor: Dr.Morteza Yazdanjoo
Indexed by: CROSSREF ROAD,Google Scholar, ISC  Section Editors: 
Dr. Houman Nazemyan &
Dr. Abdollah Hosseini
Main Image

دراسات في السردانية العربية

2025، Volume 6، Number 2

Print ISSN: 2676-7740

Online ISSN: 2717-0179

Director-in-Charge: Seyyed Adnan Eshkevari

Editor-in-Chief: Prof.Kobra Roshanfekr

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 All submissions to SAN are checked for potential plagiarism using iThenticate.

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