Ethics Commitment Form

 | Post date: 2020/03/11 | 
Compliance form for publishing ethics
Granting material rights and declaring opposition to the interests of shareholders
TO: Editor-in-Chief of Studies in Arabic Narratology (related to Kharazmi University)
After greetings and peace
I am the author of the paper entitled:
I hereby declare, in accordance with this commitment, that this article that I submitted for publication in your esteemed journal has not previously been published in any Iranian or non-Iranian magazine and has not been sent or studied and revised in any Iranian or non-Iranian journal at the time of its submission to Studies in Arabic Narratology(SAN) and I commit to I and all the contributors to this article write that we do not send it for publication in any Iranian or non-Iranian journal pending the study of Studies in Arabic Narratology regarding his matter, as all of his authors agree to my authorization to send to the magazine on their behalf, and we also allow and with full knowledge of granting studies. All material rights to publish an article (and the content of the article is reconciled) in any form (paper, or via the internal or international Internet, a printed copy or an embedded board) and the journal deprives this right of either refusing to publish it or the authors refusing to continue to cooperate with the magazine before announcing its position towards rejecting or accepting the article. Please answer the following questions:
Is this research extracted from a Master or Doctorate thesis or research project?
If extracted from it, please write the title of the thesis or research project:
Where did you save the costs for preparing this article?
Explain the object of opposition to the interests of each of the contributors to the production of this article (material and scientific supporters of it and its book) clearly.
We…………... the contributors and the authors of this article (whose details and arrangement of their names are mentioned in the article in the following table) We all declare that we all participated and cooperated in writing this article and we did not mention the name of a writer without the effective participation in writing this article.
Among the following writers, we have identified for Studies in Arabic Narratology(SAN) the author responsible for the article is…………. and the second author is …………….and the third is ………….and fourth writer is …………and to the last is …………….and we have determined the percentage of their participation in writing the article
(Signing this form is necessary for all contributors to write the article.)
Who is Corresponding Author of this paper?...............
Define the authors and shareholders of the article titled".........................................".
The percentage of researchers participating in writing of this article it is as follows: ………………….

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For Dear Authors

 | Post date: 2019/11/18 | 
Dear Authors Please Notice to this Instruction before sending your Manuscript to Our Journal: "Studies in Arabic Narratology(SAN)
Paper specifications required for publication in "Studies in Arabic Narratology' journal
The researcher should arrange his research according to the following conditions before submitting to the journal "Studies in Arabic Narratology(SAN)":
The researcher must coordinate the research according to the conditions of the journal mentioned below.
The subject submitted for the research should be new and not published before, and not be submitted for publication to any magazine or conference at the same time.
The fees for publication in the Journal of Studies in Arabic Sardaniyah are free of charge and the magazine receives original and scientific research. And the policy of the journal in this field is support from scientific research and studies related to the goals of the magazine and its publication in the world and protection from the authors and researchers in this field.
The number of search pages should not exceed 20 pages of the regular size on an A4 sheet, and the number of search words should not exceed 7500 words (including the original text list of the article and English, Persian and Arabic sources and summaries), including shapes, images, tables, list of sources and English summaries And Persian and Arabic and the original text of the article and its sources in order. (It is necessary to send the Persian summary to Iranian authors exclusively)
The article is arranged as follows: First: the English summary and its keywords, including the title of the research, the name of the researcher in the above and its specialization, the academic rank, his university and his e-mail, and secondly: the Persian summary equivalent to the Arab summary, and thirdly: the Arabic summary and the keywords IV: the text of the article and the results and index Arabic.
The introduction includes its basic elements on the arrangement, which means the importance and necessity of the research, and secondly: the research issue, and thirdly: the research methodology and fourthly: research questions and fifthly: the research background, and seventhly: the research sample or the research specification and the reasons for choosing it, and then the sub-investigations come and discuss them, the results).
The translation of the list of Arabic references and references into English is at the end of the article's Word file.
Please send the papers via the website of the magazine, and the research should be sent exclusively in Arabic only.
It is essential that the 2007 word file have the following specifications, page 4A, the Traditional Arabic pen, 16 for the original article title, 14 for the article's internal headlines, 13 for sub-headings, 12 for the original text and sources, and 10 for the bottom margins, and it should be left 1.5 cm from both sides The left and right of the text are blank and the English summary should be written by Times New Roman.
 It is essential that the English, Persian and Arabic abstracts not exceed 1500 words and not less than 250 words.
Abstracts should include the importance and necessity of the research, its aim, methodology and the most important results.
Number of keywords should not exceed 7 vocabulary, not less than 5 vocabulary, and include the Arabic word Sardaniya.
The title of the article should not exceed 12 words, and if it contains more than 12 words, it is necessary to amend it to the main and sub headings.
 The English translation of the Arabic summary and research sources must be carried out by a skilled translator of legal translation offices or by a skilled university professor.
 The research must be free of errors, linguistic and grammatical, with full regard for punctuation.
The writer's language should be a clear, smooth language and a clear Arabic style, with a focus on clarity of the idea.
  The main headings in the text are numbered with basic numbers: 1, 2 and 3 ... sub headings are numbered 1-1, etc.
 The list of final sources of the research is in alphabetical order, according to the last name of the author.
How to cite within the text of the article are as follows: (the author's last name, publication date: book page or pages).
 The foreign names mentioned in the text are written in Arabic, but it is necessary to write them upon their first occurrence in English in brackets.
Tables and figures should be numbered and labeled within the search text.
It is necessary that the translation of Arabic and Persian sources into English be according to the following two models:
Abolhasani, J (2011). "The West in opinion of Mirza Saleh Shirazi. The first Iranian journalist in Qajar era." Azma quarterly. No. 79. Pp. 44-45. [In Persian].
Arabic source translation form
2. Al-Ma'vash, S (2011). Modern Arabic Literature: Samples and Texts. Beirut: Lebanon: Al-Nahda Al-Arabia Publishing. [In Arabic].
The headings in the text are numbered with basic numbers: first, second, third ... and the sub-headings are numbered with sub numbers 1, 2, 3 ....
The method for writing the final sources of the article sent to our journal should be based on the APA method as follows:
A book by one author:
The last name; we mean the author’s last name, the first name, (year of publication), the title of the book in italics, the translator: if there is, (printed, then the print number if available), place of publication: the publisher.
A book of two to six authors:
We follow the previous system, but we put a comma and then F before the name of the last writer. And they noticed that we put the names of the writers according to the order they appeared on the cover of the book or the title page.
A book with more than six authors:
The names of the authors are written up to the sixth author, then we add a phrase and others.
Translated book
The author’s last name, the first letter of the first name, (year of publication), the title of the book in italics (the name of the translator not inverted, translated), place of publication: the publisher.
An article from an encyclopedia with an author
We use this rule if the author’s name is written on the article, or if there is an author (or more) for each encyclopedia and thus be the author of all of her articles:
Last name, first name, (year of publication), article title, encyclopedia title in italics (volume, part number, p. Pp. Range of pages), place of publication: publisher.
• An article from an encyclopedia without the author's knowledge (we start with the article's title)
We use this rule in the event that there is no author, not the encyclopedia in general or for the article:
Article title. (Year of publication), title of the encyclopedia in italics (volume, part number, p. Pages, range of pages), place of publication: publisher.
How to write the final sources of journal periodicals, magazines and newspapers are as follows:
An article from a daily newspaper
The author’s or author’s last name, first name, (publication year, day, and month), article title, newspaper name in italics, number number, page number of pages.
Internet sites and articles
 The author's last name, first name. (Year of article publication, today and month). The title of the article is in italics, retrieved on the date of day, month, year of website link .... http: // www
Conference proceedings and seminars
 Author's last name, first name. (Date of the session). The title of the research or article is in italics. Presented to the name of the symposium or conference, venue.
Master and PhD theses
 The author’s last name, first name, (year of publication), thesis title in italics, its type means Master or PhD thesis, university name, place of publication.
Side notes for authors and researchers when writing their research and sending it to studies magazine in Arabic Sardaniya:
• If the publisher of the book or the encyclopedia does not know, we write Dr. N. It means without publisher.
• If we do not know the date of publication, we write Dr. T. In the parentheses of history, it means no date, and in English there is n.d.
•• We express the edition of the book in this form (3rd edition) or (5th edition) and in English (2nd ed.) (3rd. Ed.) (4th ed.)
• We always write c. Before the part number or volume of the encyclopedia, in English we write Vol.}}
• In the absence of a book edition or a part of the encyclopedia or a folder for the periodical, we do not write anything.
• The date of publication is written by introducing the year to the rest of the elements, for example: (2005, January 15) or (1997, December)
On websites, the retrieval date means the day we viewed the page important and we write it like this:
“Retrieved on January 15, 2008” and in English corresponded to Retrieved January 15th, 2008 from… as the month is presented on today.
• In the absence of an author, we start with the title of the article or book, then the year of publication, then the rest of the details as usual.
• When writing the names of authors, surnames such as Doctor, Engineer, etc. are dropped.
• If the name is triple or quadruple, it is written in this way: Al-Shayji, Youssef Khalifa. So that the last name or last name is put, then the first name, then the father's name, the grandfather and so on.
• When writing the names of foreign authors (whether in Arabic or English sources) we write the last name and then put a comma and then a space and then the first letter of the first author's name and then a dot. And in case there is a middle name, we also put the first letter of it after the first letter of the first name. An example of Sarah James Robin is written as Robin, S. J.
• If "Jerry Thompson" was the author of a translated book, we would write his name as: Thompson, c.
• When there is more than one author for the same source, we place the book according to their written arrangement in the source and do not arrange them alphabetically, because their arrangement reflects the extent of the contribution of each writer to the work, or reflects the scientific position so we maintain their arrangement.
• In the event that the author is a body that writes the full name without being overturned, for example the Ministry of Planning or the Arab Fund for Development.
• When the number of the book exceeds six, we write the first of the six names and put the phrase "and others". Correspondingly in English et al.}}.
• When writing a range of pages we put a dash between the numbers and not "to". For example 33-15.
• When writing a range of pages for an article from a periodical or magazine, we do not place ff. But in the event that the source was pages from a book, encyclopedia or newspaper, we would put a p. Then we mention the extent of the pages. Note that if it is only one page we put r. And not thieves. For example, p. 14. Corresponding to it in English pp. And p.
• In the event of a volume and number, we put the number number in brackets to distinguish between them. If the volume is absent, the number number is placed directly without the need for brackets. Note that the volume does not exist without the number number.
• Always months are written in the form of names and not numbers, for example month 1 must be written January, and so on. The most famous English sources are written in full, for example January, not Jan
• The Arabic comma has its shape (,) and can be obtained by pressing the Shift button and the letter "n".
As for the English comma, this is its form (,), and it can be obtained by pressing the “and” button after changing the keyboard language to English.
• Punctuation marks (dots and commas) are placed next to the last word and leave a space after the punctuation, not the other way around.
• Matters written in italics in Arabic also apply when writing resources in English.
• The researcher must know the arrangement of the alphabets (A, B, C, TH ... etc) and also the names of the months (January, February, ... etc) (January, February, ... etc).

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