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1- PhD student of Arabic language & literature' Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
2- Associatet Professor of Arabic language & Literature' Ferdowsi University of Mashhad , seddighi@um.ac.ir
3- Associate Professor of Arabic language & Literature' Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abstract:   (180 Views)
The setting is one of the most important elements of a literary work, particularly in novels. It seeks to recreate reality and allows the reader to understand the novel's events and immerse themselves in it as if it were real, even though it is a product of imagination. This study aims to analyze the significance of the setting in Jabra's novels, intersecting with the perspectives of critic Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, exploring how the setting contributes to the construction of the novel and imbues it with symbolism and cultural meanings. Jandari noted that previous studies were limited to the physical aspects of the setting without examining its role within the text, failing to address questions about the setting within the narrative discourse to comprehend the novel's events. He argued that the concept of space should remain tied to reading, starting from the model rather than theory, to understand the unique ways in which Arabic literature conceptualizes these ideas. Researchers believe that studying the novelistic setting enriches discussions about literary texts, as literature relies on and is grounded in time to create its space and imagery. It also allows us to engage with broader issues related to the interplay of time and space in the studied novels, compared to their counterparts in historical reality, and the resulting challenges of textual-literary diagnosis about real-world referents.Examining the setting as a structural element in Jabra Ibrahim Jabra's novels is a pivotal aspect that lends artistic and cultural depth to the narrative text. It becomes evident that Jabra did not merely treat the setting as a narrative necessity but infused it with profound meanings that complement the characters and events, making the setting an active participant in the novel. The methodology adopted in this study is the structural-genetic approach, which incorporates critique and the addition of perspectives, as the critic revitalizes the methodology through their research style rather than confining themselves to its framework and terminology. The findings of this article suggest that Jandari's concept of novelistic space implies multiple meanings and dimensions. Critic Ibrahim Jandari believes that the study of spatial settings is achieved by examining these intellectual principles within the narrative text of the novel.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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