Volume 4, Issue 4 (2022)                   san 2022, 4(4): 25-55 | Back to browse issues page

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Behroozi M, Habibi A A, Mortazavinasab M. A Comparative Study of High Fantasy in the Arabic and Persian Children's Stories "Badr al-Budur" and " Mah Pishooni". san 2022; 4 (4) :25-55
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-284-en.html
1- University of Zabol , Mojtabbehroozi@uoz.ac.ir
2- University of Zabol
Abstract:   (1233 Views)
The utilization of imaginative elements in literature intended for children and young adults constitutes a method employed by authors to address fundamental aspects of childhood, including the enhancement of imagination, fostering good behavior, instilling courage, and promoting wisdom. An illustration of this technique is evident in the folklore narrative titled "Mah Pishooni," which is shared across various literary works, emphasizing a fantastical approach. In this research, employing the descriptive-analytical method and drawing upon the American comparative literature school, an exploration is undertaken on the high fantasy genre within the children's narrative " Mah Pishooni" (known as Badr al-Budur in Arabic) as crafted by Persian and Arabic authors. The examination encompasses four stories contributed by four distinct writers: Fazlollah Mohtadi, Mitra Bayat, Yaqub al-Sharouni, and Kamil al-Kilani. The objective of this study is to scrutinize the distinctions and similarities among various subgenres of high fantasy, including gothic, didactic, animal, fairy, quest, allegorical fantasy, etc. within the specified statistical population. The findings of the study reveal that Persian stories exhibit a greater prevalence of high fantasy genres, surpassing Arabic stories by a factor of 4.7. Furthermore, among the stories analyzed, " Mah Pishooni based on Folklore" stands out as the most fantastical, boasting a frequency of 66 fantasy genres in the examined statistical population.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: تطبیقیه

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