Volume 6, Issue 2 (2025)                   san 2025, 6(2): 49-74 | Back to browse issues page

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Babazadeh aghdam A, Namdari E, Taktabar Firoozjaii H, Al Zeydavi M. Cultural Patterns in Abdul Reda Saleh Muhammad’s The captives of the mythical state . san 2025; 6 (2) :49-74
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-392-en.html
1- Associate Professor of Arabic language and Literature Literature, University of science and knowledge Quran, Qom, Iran , babazadeh@quran.ac.ir
2- Associate Professor of Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Borujerd, Iran
3- Associate Professor of Arabic language and Literature, Qom University, Iran
4- M.A in Arabic language and literature, Qom University, Iran
Abstract:   (1856 Views)
The study deals with the cultural patterns narrated in Sebaya Dawlat Al-Khorafah. Cultural patterns are linked to cultural criticism as one of the important trends postmodern lterature, as it seeks to open up new horizons of interpretation. Cultural criticism treats literary texts as a cultural phenomenon, just as it deals with other cultural phenomena to examine the mechanisms of centralization and hegemony. What highlights the significance of this topic is that it addresses social in general and in this study Iraqi society in particular. The novel critiques fraudulent terrorism by bypassing the image of Islam and targeting various religious sectors and beliefs as a crime that threatens society. The study aims to conduct a comprehensive cultural reading of narrative discourses, focusing on the realistic aspects taken from the Iraqi reality during the period of ISIS terrorism by drawing on a descriptive-analytical approach. This study analyzes what happened during the period of ISIS terrorism and the injustice and persecution that Iraqi society, especially Christians, was subjected to. It finds that the presence of religion and politics in the writer's novel is an embodiment of social reality and an attempt to convey a message to its readers. It is a message that an ordinary reader cannot easily understand, but a researcher can understand it by studying and analyzing the words and phrases that it carries.
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