Volume 5, Issue 1 (2023)                   san 2023, 5(1): 31-52 | Back to browse issues page

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Daryanward Z, Pourabed M J, Balavi R, khezri A, Al-Suwaili H. The Effects of Cinematic Focalization in Zahran Al-Qassimi’s The Sniper. san 2023; 5 (1) :31-52
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-281-en.html
1- Persian Gulf University
2- Persian Gulf University , m.pourabed@pgu.ac.ir
3- Thi Qar University
Abstract:   (3086 Views)
Focalization in narrative texts determines the point of view in movies. This also plays a significant role in advancing the events and the narrative process through the multiple effects of the focal point. It can be argued that the overlap between novelistic focalization and cinematic focalization is advantageous for both fields. Focalization in narrative texts designates the position and place of the narrator and the point of view from which he/she narrates the events while in cinema focalization means that the camera narrates each character’s point of view separately, which affects the spectator. Also, these dramatic elements increase the audience’s ability to understand the discourse in such a way that focalization becomes a dramatic technique. This argument holds particularly true for Zahran Al-Qassimi’s The Sniper. He locates the viewpoints in different places of the villages of Oman through the camera Saleh bin Sheikhan, the protagonist, carries with him. This study, based on a descriptive-analytical method, addresses the focalization techniques within the cinematic discourse and its various effects in The Sniper focusing on the image structure. The objective of this study is to examine the signs of image focalization within the novel’s cinematic discourse. It finds that the way the interaction of the camera and the narrator’s personality affects the spectator can be observed in various scenes. This study specifically focuses on visual focalization and its dimensions.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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