Volume 4, Issue 4 (2022)                   san 2022, 4(4): 127-148 | Back to browse issues page

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Yavari S, Majidi H, shamsabadi H, Qodrati H, Khorrami M. Manifestations of the components of social capital (norm) in the novel " Sayyidat al-Qamar". san 2022; 4 (4) :127-148
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-266-en.html
1- Hakim Sabzevari University
2- Hakim Sabzevari University , h.majidi@hsu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1468 Views)
As various fields of knowledge develop, interdisciplinary studies become more prominent. During the recent five decades, the concept of social capital has drawn high attention in humanities including literature studies. Literature like a mirror reflects the characteristics of social relationships among individuals in a society. The purpose of this research is to reveal the manifestations of social capital in the novel " Sayyidat al-Qamar" written by "Jokha Al-Harithi", a contemporary Omani writer who was born in Oman in 1978, and his novel won the "Man Booker" international prize in 2019. The focus of the novel " Sayyidat al-Qamar" is the life of three sisters, their families, and social changes in Oman. This research was conducted based on the descriptive-analytical method using the content analysis method. Findings indicated that almost all the components of social capital as norms were found in the text. Furthermore, some norm indicators such as cooperation and social support had higher frequency compared to other indicators.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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