Volume 3, Issue 2 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(2): 126-159 | Back to browse issues page

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Khaleghi A, Abiat A. Ahmed Al-Saadawi’s strategy in the novel “Frankenstein in Baghdad” in the light of the Fairclough method. san 2022; 3 (2) :126-159
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-214-en.html
1- Imam Khomeini International University , akhaleghi24@yahoo.com
2- Farhangian University
Abstract:   (1553 Views)
Critical discourse analysis is one of the advanced theories in the study of discourse that deals with language, and helps through text and speech to create social and political power. Norman Fairclough was the first to develop a study in the analysis of critical discourse. Ahmed Al-Saadawi, the Iraqi novelist (1973-till now) wrote the novel "Frankenstein in Baghdad" and won the Arab Booker Prize. Hadi Al-Atak (a seller of antiques in a neighborhood in central Baghdad), was collecting the remains of the victims of terrorist bombings during the winter of 2005, to paste these parts and produce a strange human being, who quickly rises to carry out a massive revenge and revenge against the criminals who killed its parts. The fates of intertwined personalities during the exciting pursuit in Baghdad and its neighborhoods. The research revolves around three levels: the first is the “description level” which deals with the external weaving of the text, the second is the “explanation level” which searches for the ideology found in the text of the novel, and the third is the “interpretation level” which is a study on The internal weaving of the text, and the idea and emotion are the significance of this text.We would like to summarize the results of the research: as follows: The description in the structure of the text The novel focuses on the element of repetition and intertextuality “another narration between this narration”, as well as in terms of resemblance to the phrases that distinguish the narration from the rest. Likewise, the level of explanation is limited to the ideology in which the events of the novel take place in one of the old Baghdad neighborhoods, in the Al-Batoun neighborhood, which is known for the mixing of its residents of different nationalities, sects and homogeneous sects. In terms of interpretation, emotion plays a positive role in this novel, as the disturbing facts of an explosion or other terrorist campaigns occur. The approach that we have adopted in this regard is the descriptive-analytic that deals with the novel "Frankenstein in Baghdad" in the light of Norman Fairclough's vision.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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52. Al-Azzawi, Abbas (1962) History of Arabic Literature in Iraq, Vol. 2, Vol.
53. Bakhtin, Mikhail (1987), Al-Khattab al-Rawai, translated by Mohammad Barada, Vol. 1, Cairo: Dar al-Fikr for Studies and Publishing.
54. Lykoff, George and Mark Johnson (2009), Al-Istiarat al-Nahiya Baha, translated by Abd al-Majid Jahfa, Vol.
55. Zeitoun, Ali Mahdi (2011), in the circuit of al-Samat al-Abi (Al-Taqqa-Al-Makan-Al-Qas). I.1, Beirut: Dar al-Farabi.
56. Nasira, Zouzeh (2010), The Problem of Space and Al-Mukan in Modern Arabic Rhetoric, Algiers: Muhammad Khadir Society.
57. Ashri Zayed, Ali (1978). Calling out the historical figures in contemporary poetry, Vol. 1, Tripoli: Al-Sharka Al-Aaa'a publishing and advertising company charters.
58. Watar, Mohammad Riaz (2002). Tawzeef al-Trath in Al-Rawiyah al-Arabi al-Mawdaim, Vol. 1, Damascus: Manuscripts of Ittihad Al-Katab al-Arab.
59. Lahmdani, Hamid (2000). I mean literary criticism. I. 2, Beirut: Al-Maqrez al-Thaqafi al-Arabi.
60. Mahfouz, Abdullatif (2009). The task of description in al-Rawaiya. Beirut: Al-Dar al-Arabiya lul-Uloom Publishers.

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