Volume 2, Issue 1 (2021)                   san 2021, 2(1): 173-204 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahmed Ali Alowaimiri D A. The Aesthetics of Slowness in the Holy Quran: Yusuf Surah As a Case Study. san 2021; 2 (1) :173-204
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-156-en.html
Director of the Noor Center for Research and Scientific Consulting, Egypt , alawaamry@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2906 Views)
This research is entitled (Aesthetics of slowness in the narration of the Holy Quran) and with the aim of showing the aesthetics of the slowness technique in narration in the Holy Quran by considering Surah Yusuf as a practical Sample. This research intends to unveil the aesthetic techniques in the Holy Quran, namely the techniques of dialogue and pause and their use in an artistic and semantic way and to examine the extent of its impact on narration and its semantic aims, which is beyond narration. And since it uses the Holy Quran as a material for the application of narrative and critical concepts and theories, it undoubtedly leads to an in-depth and important research that is not possible in any other text. Also, any study related to the Holy Quran will be an eternal research which survives on the wise sayings that God – the merciful - has preserved over the ages. This research conducted on descriptive and analytical method to observe and follow the artistic phenomena in Surah Yusuf, which slowness the narration in this surah; and This has been done with the aim of examining the slowness technique, discussing the structure of the narrative, and analyzing these two techniques to achieve objective results. It was determined that the art of dialogue is very widespread in Surah Yusuf; Even the conversational verses reach seventy-one verses from the total of ninety-eight verses, which is the number of verses in the surah. Finally, by examining the narration techniques, it becomes clear that these techniques, including slowness technique, cause a semantic balance in the surah.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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