Volume 1, Issue 2 (2020)                   san 2020, 1(2): 220-245 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammed lazem Al-Gharawi A. The Representation of Ghadir-Khumm in Christian Poetry: A Pragmatic Study. san 2020; 1 (2) :220-245
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-118-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Baghdad, Iraq , alaa.mohammed@ircoedu.uobaghdad.edu.iq
Abstract:   (3118 Views)
An epic poem, epic, epos, or epopee is a lengthy narrative poem. The research tries to provide a serious reading of epics of Christian Arabic poetry that were inspired by many lessons and conclusions from the Day of Al-Ghadeer. Christian poets weave from the inspiration of this day artistic images with creative abilities to guide recipients to its importance in correcting the course of humanity. Arab poetry epics are poetic material, a revolution and an important one. It was not shed light on it, and literary studies were not presented on it that highlight the potentials of creativity embodied between the folds of language, significance and image. To the recipient to urge and guide him to adhere to the facts, lessons and ideas that are involved under the idea of Day of Al-Ghadeer that would call for adhering to the bonds of the people of the house, the ship to the salvation of humanity. Together, these concepts and data increased our insistence on reading epics of Christian poetry, trying to search for the extent of their ability to achieve the process of communication between the recipient circles, as we saw, to analyze it in a different way by delving into its connotations, its purposes, the reality of the functions that the language performs in it, and its communicative goals through focus On the structure of language, and the basic functions it performs as a discourse, it is only embodied through language as the nerve in the events of communication between the creator and the recipient
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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