Volume 1, Issue 2 (2020)                   san 2020, 1(2): 84-119 | Back to browse issues page

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Mirzaei F, Arefi A, Mottaghi Zadeh E. From Syntactic Negation to Negation of Revolutionary Values: An Aesthetic Reading of Negation in The Second Dog War . san 2020; 1 (2) :84-119
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-112-en.html
1- Professor of Arabic language and Literature, University Of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran , f_mirzaei@modares.ac.ir
2- Ma student, University Of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran
3- Associate Professor of Arabic language and Literature, University Of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (3397 Views)
Indeed, the thought that forms the artistic egation in Syntax to Negation of Revolutionary Values: Aesthetic Analysis of Negation in The Second Dog War
view of the literary text organizes the syntactic composition in the text, so the only way to reach that thought is to understand the syntactic meanings derived from the syntactic composition. That is, whenever the view of pessimism prevails over the text, the meanings derived from the syntactic composition appropriate to that view prevail over the text. We observe this in the novel "The Second Dog War" by Palestinian novelist Ibrahim Nasrallah, which is dominated by pessimism, because the characters in the novel are very negative and opportunistic, In particular, the protagonist of the novel, Rashed, who transcends all moral and social values in the pursuit of her own interests, in such a way that she fights against the revolutionary values she fought for in the past, So she rejects all those values to the point that with the help of the officer, she changes from a prisoner to a jailer and cooperates with the officer with full skill in trading with humans. This denial of values and their rejection linguistically fits the style of denial So, this style has been used more in this novel than other syntactic styles in order to fit the pessimistic view of the novel and the three levels of language, including Narration, dialogue, and description. It is because of this pessimistic view that the style of negation has a high status in the novel, especially in the matter of similarities, which are becoming more and more present in the novel, to the extent that the distinction between the original things and their similarities despite their differences in nature, it becomes very difficult. This article seeks to examine the aesthetics of the negation style in order to reveal the appropriateness between the negation tools and the pessimistic view along with the three linguistic levels using analytical descriptive methods with the help of statistical style to conclude that the narrator in this novel, The negative style has been used 1759 times, thus 52%, which is quite commensurate with the prevailing pessimistic view of the novel and the resulting corruption of oppressive Palestinian systems, because in the novel there are negative opportunistic characters who do negative things in the way of realization. They benefit, especially the protagonist of The Novel Rashed, whose character is completely negative, to the point that he turns his positive character into an opportunistic negative character.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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