Spring (2024) Vol 5, No. 12, pp. 69-92
Sahar Khalifa, a contemporary Palestinian novelist, is one of the prominent novelists of the Arab world. His novels have gained wide fame all over the world due to the reflection of Palestinian realities, especially resistance, social and women's issues, as well as due to the use of an attractive and effective language structure. In Al-Sabbar (1967), Khalifa deals with the issues that the Palestinian society encountered. She uses a linguistic structure that is often distinct in all kinds of narrations. This study examines the novel’s distinct narrative characteristics based on Abdul Malik Murtad’s classification. The study finds that Sahar Khalifa has used all the narrative forms proposed by Abdul malik Mortad, namely narrative texture, dialogue. and monologue. Also, he has used all narrative pronouns (third person, second person and first person) in her novel, and the third person pronoun is the most used in the narration of event. In addition, in the narrative based on the third person pronoun, he often relies on medium eloquent language, and when he decides to emphasize more on drawing the dialogue space of the two sides in the narrative, he fluctuate between using eloquent language and simple (colloquial) dialect, but when the time comes the characters have dialogue with each other, the uneducated characters often use street slang and the educated characters use eloquent and simple language.