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Showing 1 results for Hybridization

Amene Forouzan Kamali, Khodadad Bahri, Rasoul Balavi ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2022)

The hybridization is one of the most prominent critical concepts in novels and stories, which means the diversity and combination of languages, styles, dialogues and literary genres in a single text. Hybridization, from the point of view of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Russian formalists is a kind of stylistic aesthetics which indicates the genius of the novelist and his mastery of writing polyphonic novels. The novel "Ashar Salawat le-algasad" by Wafa 'Abd al-Razzaq is one of these types of novels, which hybridization included its components such as: personality, space-time, and the form of language and style. This research tries to use descriptive-analytical method to study the effects of "hybridization" and how to use it in the novel "Ashar Salawat Le-aljasd" by Wafa Abd al-Razzaq. Results show that the author has combined his novel with other literary genres such as poetry and biography and has used their techniques in his text to give it dynamism and beauty. As it deals with the combination of characters and sounds, as well as temporal and spatial spaces, which are reflected in the multiplicity of places and times by moving from the past to the present or from one place to another. As it deals with the combination of her own views and those of women who each express a common pain, these thoughts and ideas are in conflict with the views arising from the religion and culture of each country regarding the identity of women and social status.

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