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Showing 1 results for The Similar Other

Ali Akbar Mollaie, Saied Morteza Sabbagh Jaafari, Samira Heidarirad,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2022)

Omar Ibn Abi Rabia is a famous poet of the Islamic and Umayyad periods. His poems are mainly lyrical, and he played a crucial role in giving independence to lyrical poetry. In his sonnets, the body parts of the Self and the Other are described in a concrete and meaningful way. The presence of the body in the field of language, especially in lyrical compositions, is increasingly important. This study examines the verbal structures and rhetorical methods that the poet used to describe the body parts and considers the female body as a non-verbal medium based on a descriptive-analytical framework and narrative statistics. The statistical table, by determining the frequency of body parts and the type of descriptive or media function, explains the implications meanings of each part. The study finds that the vocabularies that the poet uses in order to describe the beloved’s body are semantically rooted in Arabic poetry. From a rhetorical point of view, there are a few examples of the homogeneous description of the Other’s body. In terms of communication and media function, the Self’s and the Other’s body have psychological and emotional implication and are tied to customary and social symbols, which are manifest in gestures and dress codes.  Body plays a significant role in Omar’s poetry as it functions as a discourse that sheds light on the poet’s conscious and unconscious layers of mind. 

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