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Showing 1 results for Proverbs.

Nama Dahash Farhan,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2021)

The narration in Arabic literature has had numerous inquiries, investigations, and studies. This is due to the great diversity of arts, branches, and variety of representations, especially those arts that are included in analogical expressions and linguistic expressions, such as stories and tales that represent real social actions. That are transmitted in a representative constructive manner and theexpressional performance. The narration of proverbs is based on the exchange of ideas or is transferred in dialogue through their representation when the context unit has been matched on two similar occasions. Literary work reveals the essential personality of norm on one hand and the culture of the society in therefore, it was said on the other hand. Which, it is not reasonable that the (Nahj Al Balagha) appeared as a result of an individual invention without relying on social realities related to the individual or group a group of people. Moreover, it is unreasonable that a literary form such as Nahj Al Balagha, characterized by such social richness has existed and remained for centuries as itwas studied by writers, scholars, and researchers. with great differences among each other as they belong to different environments and different nationalities across a period of time without a significant relationship between the content of this literary form and the most important aspects of social life. To reveal the value of Nahj Al Balagha among the narratives of culture and the norms of society, this study will employ to the method of tackling the proverbs and linguistic expressions of Imam Ali that were conveyed through his experiments and familiarities from inherited societies to the society in which he lived.  However, this study will be concerned ing on with two main points:
   The first issue is tackling the socio-cultural and the narratives of semiotic linguistic., whereas the second issue is tackling the mores, conventionalism, and traditional usage. It is worth mentioning that the research proceeded according to the historical method, with the inclusion of contextual and descriptive-analytical approaches. The significant results of this study concluded as are:
1-Each creative writer can stand on depend on the structure of the collective self collective to contemplate situations and events, and choose what he/she wants from the society says that radiate from the horizon of that creator for creative genius is at the forefront of persons each who try to form a collective self that exceeds the individual self.
2-The mores, customs, and tradition were represented in the stylistic approach of the proverbial expressions.  W which are inventions of the pre-Islamic Arab society; this indicates the influence of language of Nahj Al Balagha that became enrollment a true record in the history of Arab.

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