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Showing 74 results for Narratology

Aliakbar Noresideh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

The study of character and characterization in literary texts is a complex issue, which requires a comprehensive knowledge and understating of characterization methods and techniques. One reason for such complexity is the limitation of time and space in most of literary texts.  A literary character, in order to be accounted as an influential element in a literary work, should be developed within technical frameworks and equipped with motivation. The Flower Quay No Longer Answers (1961) is one of the latest novels of Malik Haddad, an Algerian poet and author whose oeuvre has influenced the literary tastes of the Algerians. In this novel, the protagonist shares common characteristics and destiny with the author. Adopting a technical method, this paper examines different layers and structures of characterization in The Flower Quay No Longer Answers in order to delineate the way the author has developed the novel’s characters. It can be suggested that an analytical method dominates the novel’s characterization structure. It can be concluded that this novel does not share common characteristics with short stories and manages to portray different images for readers due to the abundance and interconnection of characters and places. 

Mehrdad Aghaei, Afaf Dagery,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

The topic «I and others» of the topics that we want to analyze in the novel «While leaving us the bridge» by Abdul Rahman Munif, Sartre and Derrida who have shares in this area. The subject of “I and others” is a branch that originated in the embrace of philosophy and grew up to its most intense shade, and then came other epistemological branches after that, in order to enjoy these shades, and contribute to the watering of this glittering lush tree of aesthetics and to add new branches to it. This tree is naturally philosophical, and not in several eras throughout history. Perhaps with greater force and more brilliant prosperity, even for a long time Because it is one of the most prominent manifestations of the specificity of the human species and distinguish it from other organisms. In this narrative, Abdul-Rahman Munif uses the research « I and others » behind the character and incidents in his novel to show us what is the reality of thin
Miss Zahra Beheshti, Shaker Amery, Sadeq Askari, Aliakbar Noresideh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

This article examines textual fragmentation and dispersion in Muʼnis Razzāz’s Alive in the Dead Sea (1997). It can be suggested that the novel’s fragmented textually refers to a chaotic and disorganized society, a fragmentation that can be observed at textual, temporal, spatial, character, and resolution of conflict levels. In the novel the author provides an atmosphere characterized with doubt, uncertainty, lack of faith and logic to strip classic texts of their realist and logical color. Accordingly, the novel’s fragmented textually is a democratic attempt not only to reflect dissonance and disorder but also to violate all rational and realistic principles so as to achieve borderless and infinite freedom, and confusion. As such, the novel narrates a new story based on nightmares and dreams that are indispensable to modern life. Here, Razzāz attempts to showcase the chaos and absurdity of contemporary life through textual fragmentation and confusion that generates multiple narrative levels.
Dr. Zohreh Naemi, Dr. Abdollah Hosseini, Miss. Yosra Tarafrava,miss,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Narratology, which helps to study structural elements of literary texts, is an important aspect of literary theory, and has generated much criticism in the field of contemporary literature. Gérard Genette is one of the pioneers of narratology and has identified five central categories that make up the narrative elements of story: system, continuity, narrative frequency, shape and tone. The aim of this study is to take advantage of Genette’s narrative categories to analyze narrative techniques in Warraq Al-Hob novel written by the contemporary Syrian author, Khalil Sweileh. The search achieves the following findings: first person point of view is used in this novel and the narrator is the main character; there is a gap between the time of the narration and the time when events occur; and the narrator narrates the events after the event. To put it differently, the story is narrated in non-chronological order, which indicates that the novel contains a paradox. Also the Genettian system, continuity and narrative frequency are used. There are two narrative methods and techniques in terms of size and continuity in the novel: (1) there is a positive acceleration that usually takes a short volume of the novel to tell about a long event and (2) there is the negative acceleration of the narration, in which the events are mentioned in more detail. We also note that the writer uses dialogue and description of elements to slow down the speed of the narration. In addition, we observe the use of various narrative identified by Genette. The author informs the recipient of events what happens in his novel step by step. In addition, we observe that Sweileh began his novel in an introductory way, but the end of the story readers come to know  that the novel is an introduction to a novice writer who wants to write a love story. This is a narrative technique developed by Sweileh in order to confuse the mind of the reader. Then it seems that Khalil Sweileh was able to come to terms with what he learned and that he mentions different titles in his account to the audience. We can point out that the repeated description of an event is one of the salient features in the narrative structure of the novel, which exemplifies the technique of recurrence or narrative frequency. The narrator tells the story of events that happened several times in a similar way, and his narration is amazing every time. The author integrates a number of literary texts into his narration. The relationship between the identity of the author and the date of reading and the time associated with the author is referred to when "The History of Reading" is mentioned in which the writer imaginatively lives with Jorge Luis de Borges. Warraq Al Hob is one of the most prominent works of Khalil Sweileh Roulieh. In fact, this novel is a story about writing a story. It is about writer struggling to write a story about love and history and was inspired and started to write his own story about his real world, his mind and his imagination, as well as the literary information he acquired during his lifetime to write. The author can be compared with world-famous writers such as "Gabriel Garcia Marquez (author of the novel" One Hundred Years of Solitude "), Nizar Qabbani, and Alberto Mangel. In the novel, the author simultaneously experiences humor, joy, and sometimes hatred. He also experiences other writers’ experiences, or is inspired by writing world writers in some places such as writing in the kitchen; refers to the events that occurred to him and mentions historical events that he came across in historical or romantic books. Probably that is why he named the novel Warraq Al Hob.
Roghaieh Rustampourmaleki, Zahra Aghajani Alishah ,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

In My Heart A Hebrew Girl (2012) is a contemporary novel written by the Tunisian author Khawla Hamdi. The novle is written based on a real event that took place in Palestine and south of Lebanon whereby a group of people convert to Islam and resist oppression. In his influencial S/Z (1970), Roland Barthes proposes five narrative codes for textual analysis: Hermeneutic, Proairetic, Semantic, Symbolic, and Cultural. This article adopts a analytical-decriptive framework to exmine the textual representation of hermeneutic and proairetic codes in In My Heart A Hebrew Girl. The importance of this study is twofold: first it examines contemporary Arabic novel and second reads the novel based on Barthes’ narrative codes. The article finds that the author uses all Barthes’ narrative codes particually hermeneutic and proairetic codes because event and suspense constitute the main narrative bulk of the novel. The symbolic code is reflected in binary oppositions like Mulims and Jews, Islamic and Jewish hijab, light and dark, and behavior of characters. Also, the semantic code is reflercted in the characterization of Rima who as a Palestinenian suffers from oppression, against which other Muslim countries show no reaction. Finally, the cultural codes can be observed in Islamic and Jewish religious rituals and teachings as well as Palestinian resistance and jihad for the homeland and freedom.
Ali Afzali, Ali Mahmoud Habib Al Mojbeli,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Mankind is not separated from space, but a constituent of it. An artist has a deep knowledge and understanding of space and that is why space and place have always been considered as significant elements of literary texts. Adopting an analytical-descriptive methodology, this article examines the representation of space in Fawzí at-Taí’s I Had a Heart. The article attempts to answer the question how the representation of space in the novel influences its narrative features. The novel narrates the story of the U.S attack to Iraq in 2003 after the Gulf War. In order to characterize the characters, the author has used different forms of space: closed, open, mobile, and fixed. In this novel, it can be suggested, space is the link between the introduction and development of characters. Also, space plays an important role in the examination of events and interactions.
Nasrin Abasi, Salahadin Abdi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Nasrin Abbasi:      
PhD of Arabic Language and Literature Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, I.R.Iran
Salahaddin Abdi          (Corresponding Author)
Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, I.R.Iran
The analysis and examination of the function of narrator in a literary text plays an important role in reading it from a new point of view.Gerard Genette, the French narrative structuralist, has theorized the role and function of narrator(s) in literary texts. RadwaAshour’s historical novel,Al-Tantouria(2010) in which the author utilizes different narrative techniques, is a good case study from a Genettian point of view. In the novel, the author utilizes different intradiegetic narrativeforms: observer narrator, I-as-protagonist, I–as-witness, and second-person narrator. In the novel, due to the first-person narrator lack of knowledge, the author takes advantage of the observer narrator to fill the mentioned gap. Thenovel, due to its temporal fragmentation in describing events as well as the limited first-person narrator,has been studied from a variety of narrative point of views. In the course of the novel, I–as-witnessand second-person narrators narrate events and actions from their point view as the author-narrator narrates the story in the absence of the protagonist. In the novel, monologues are addressed to intradiegetic audience, and therefore are dramatized. Drawing on Genette’s narratology theory and adopting a descriptive-analytical method,this article examines different dimensions of the narrative in Al-Tantouria as well as their role in the production of meaning. The analysis and examination of the function of narrator in a literary text plays an important role in reading it from a new point of view.Gerard Genette, the French narrative structuralist, has theorized the role and function of narrator(s) in literary texts. RadwaAshour’s historical novel,Al-Tantouria(2010) in which the author utilizes different narrative techniques, is a good case study from a Genettian point of view. In the novel, the author utilizes different intradiegetic narrativeforms: observer narrator, I-as-protagonist, I–as-witness, and second-person narrator. In the novel, due to the first-person narrator lack of knowledge, the author takes advantage of the observer narrator to fill the mentioned gap. Thenovel, due to its temporal fragmentation in describing events as well as the limited first-person narrator,has been studied from a variety of narrative point of views. In the course of the novel, I–as-witnessand second-person narrators narrate events and actions from their point view as the author-narrator narrates the story in the absence of the protagonist. In the novel, monologues are addressed to intradiegetic audience, and therefore are dramatized. Drawing on Genette’s narratology theory and adopting a descriptive-analytical method,this article examines different dimensions of the narrative in Al-Tantouria as well as their role in the production of meaning.  

Miral Mahgoub A-L Tahawy,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

This paper will investigate the image of Bedouins and the “Bedouin Chiefs” through analyzing selected traditional oral lyrics, folk wedding songs and mourning chants. The main goal of this study is to capture the conflicted image of Bedouin tribes in the Egyptian folk tradition, fathoming how the Egyptian collective unconscious preserved the portrayal of the Bedouin Chief reflected in oral folk tradition. I will also focus on the differences between that image and the stereotypical one dominating by European orientalists. Classical Arab historians and European orientalist explorers have portrayed Arab Bedouin tribes known as badw or Arab tribes, who settled or migrated across Egypt and North Africa throughout various historical periods equivocally and aporetically. Historians and Western scholars have imparted multiple accounts and vivid descriptions of these settled Arab tribes. They depict the long cultural bitter conflict between urban lifestyles and traditional Bedouin culture and epitomize the polarization and conflict between urbanized and nomadic culture. They associated negative images towards Bedouins. Many historians and Western scholars Reflect Egyptian peasants or the conflict between peasants and Arab Bedouin tribes in Egypt. Contrary to these historical observations, the portrayal of Bedouin Chiefs in the popular collective unconscious and oral tradtions was not necessarily negative but was rather imbued with respect in many instances and with idolization in others. I argue that the Egyptian folk tradition was more tolerant to and welcoming of the Arab or Bedouin tribes the Egyptian cultural and social mosaic. My critical analysis will define the characteristics of  of Bedouin Chiefs”, and will investigate the image of Bedouins and the “Bedouin Chiefs” through analyzing selected traditional oral lyrics, folk wedding songs and mourning chants.

Zaid Jibril Muhammad, Nura Lawan Abubakar,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

The novel  “pay with the best” by Jamilu Abdullahi Alkanawi well known in the Nigerian literature, it is an analysis of some social problems, where he was discussed  about the life of a young man named Bashir from one of the northern state who was sent to Ibadan state for one year national service and left his lover named Sarah, one of his  friend deceived him and married her, when he returned and heard what happened  he feel a great sadness , and finally become a patient, and treated that traitorous friend with what is best, this research aims after used descriptive approach of data collection and analysis, and the importance of the research appears in knowing the narrative tools available in the novel,  the research reached important result: the novel had some narrative techniques in it like: scene, summary, rest, deletion, description, retrieval, and foresight, and the novel was characterized by the abundance of characters, and by use of the rounded heroine character and the flat character who has no sound and no movement. And the novel used the explanatory description of narrative.

Fatemeh Parchegani,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Historical novels usually use historical events and materials and choose characters from historical figures. However, we should not confuse an author with a historian in terms of artistic production with is an imaginative process. In fictional texts, characters are freed from their specific historical era. Belgrade Druze is a historic novel in which the writer attempts to form an intertextual link between historical and literary events. This would outweigh the literary side against the historical side. This article attempts to show the novelist’s approach to the narration of historical events in the novel. The article finds that that Rabie Jaber, the writer, makes use of the real function of the novel to establish a relationship between the reader and historical events
Masoud Bawan Pouri, Mahin Hajizadeh, Maryam Daryanvard,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

The Ancient Arabic Fiction (Typology and Analysis of Fiction Elements), a joint work of Khalil Parvini and Hooman Nazemian, is a textbook of Arabic language and literature taught at the fiction course. This book, despite its many advantages, has some shortcomings in form and content, which this study attempt to examine by adopting a descriptive-analytical methodology. This study finds that the textbook has a beautiful appearance, appropriate cut and paper binding, and reasonable price. However, it should be revised in terms of length, typography, etc. The table of contents, though logically and coherently arranged, is very long. From a linguistic point of view; the textbook is written smoothly and fluently, the paragraphs are coherent but sometimes long and tedious, and the rules of writing, except for a few cases, are observed. In terms of content, some parts of the textbook should refer other literary sources. Despite being up-to-date, the textbook is not comprehensive enough to cover required topics. The work is well documented and enjoys a comprehensive bibliography but fails to raise new questions in the minds of the audience.

Miral Mahgoub Al-Tahawy,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Arab women’s diasporic writing features a wide array of voices who rewrite the history of Arab diaspora in European countries. The voice of Iman Mersal and May Telmissany is very unique in Egyptian writings. Their works convey a different view of the Self and use literary techniques that invest in this experience to create a multitude of new visions to understand diaspora , given how they are humanist existential experiences that allow the artist to reconcile with the past, This study we will focus on analyzing  the use of the "photographic technique” as a tool of recalling home in as an example of Modern Egyptian Diaspora Literature to emphasize that recalling images of the past is a human psychological need for both modern and primitive humans. It bridges the gap created by alienation and deepened by diaspora and helps them overcome being uprooted from their birthplace and culture. To avoid an existential crisis, human beings create a state of recollection of that lost time through art, literature and legends. In this context, we are attempting to read the images of diaspora and alienation as expressed in standing by the ruins of old homes and recalling the past as a literary theme and deeply rooted poetic Arabic tradition. In this context, we are attempting to read the images of diaspora and alienation as expressed in standing by the ruins of old homes and recalling the past as a literary theme and deeply rooted poetic Arabic tradition.

Abdallah El Kheir,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

This article explores the nature of the narrative techniques adopted by the writer "Abd al-Rahman Munif" in his novel Cities of Salt، and the significance of these techniques in terms of the fact that this novel is considered one of the important petroleum texts in post-colonial Arabic literature that deals with Western postcolonial discourse in general and the American discourse in particular. This novel has been the subject of profound debates in terms of its literary classification، but in-depth objective research proves that Cities of Salt is a magical، petroleum، post-colonial novel that addresses the negative social، economic and political impacts of oil discovery on the societies of the Arabian Peninsula. To this end، this article will shed light on the narrative tools that Munif used to communicate his post-colonial contradictory message through modern narration techniques such as magic realism، character formation، and multiple voices with the aim of presenting various perspectives of events by the author. In this way، Munif has presented an innovative narrative genre in Arab literature and a rare work on the international level، as very few Arab and international literary works have addressed the issue of oil، which has become considered as a taboo due to the American political pressure to prevent this sensitive issue from being discussed. On the other hand، in order to accurately explain the multiple layers، levels، and encodings embedded in Cities of Salt، this article will adopt Edward Said's theory known as contrapuntal reading، as a scientific methodology of research، with the aim of placing the novel in its appropriate socio-political place. This article will also build on concepts of magic realism by Stephen Slemon. It should also be noted that this article will touch on how Munif embodied the concept of inclusion، according to Todorov's narrative criticism theory، to explain how Munif incorporated minor stories into the general narration with the aim of shedding light on a specific point that serves the overall purpose of the narration. And of course، putting a work in its proper literary position contributes to establishing a kind of civilized mutual understanding between East and West through the current and future cultural dialogue، in a world where the struggle and resistance against hegemony، imperialism and aggressive wars are the main engines that generate global crises and many disasters and tragedies again and again، especially in the West Asia region.

Roghayeh Rostampour Maleki, Zahra Farid, Zahra Hosseini,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Place is one of the most elements in a novel because it is a space where there are elements of the novel and the relationship established among them, including events. Also, it is an environment to form character and the element that completes the time of the story. “Place” in the novel has witnessed many changes in new studies and also multiple different categories have been formed for it. The present study intends to investigate one of these categorizations- i.e., closed and open places (which is entitled spatial dichotomy or the confrontation between two opposing spaces and its effect on the characters of the story. The reason why we chose this novel was to examine the high frequency of open or closed places such as houses, schools, cities, and villages in the novel. One of the most important results is a wide-ranging description of the closed spaces due to the living problems and personality disorders of the novel characters. Moreover, the novel indicates that open places are not always a source of happiness and well-being for the characters, rather psychological and material consequences and effects of these places may differ in person’s perspective to that place. The method applied in the study is a descriptive-analytical one, based on the description and analysis of the data derived from the context of the novel.

Mehrdad Aghaei,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Story results from a writer’s fantasies, feelings, and inner fears which are expressed in word form. Fictional characters emerge from the depths of the writer’s existence and enter the world of fiction. In general, we can say that the story comes from reality and illustrated by the author’s mind. Usually, authors use different metaphorical expressions to convey their intended message. The Collar of Pigeons, a novel Raja'a Alem, records social and religious events occur in Mecca and Madrid. Here, the Kaaba is a symbol of holiness though some people attempt to degrade its holiness. In terms of characterization, the novel is quite unusual: Raja uses dialogue, description, and inclusion to describe and present the characters of her novel, who are mostly complementary ones. The religious and imaginative atmosphere of the story along with its controversial structure has attracted numerous readers. The chronological, spatial, and logical arrangement of events in presenting characters follows a linear narrative flow. The formal structure of the story is divided into two parts, each with a different location. Different characters are identified with different “Izzah” identity. When examining the characters of the novel, it becomes clear to that the author considers maintaining the identity of the Kaaba, the main concern of the novel, by placing the narrative center in the Kaaba and the events that happen in this holy place. This article adopts an analytical and descriptive method to analyze strategies of characterization in the order, continuity, and arrangement of different parts of the novel.

Manal Fallah,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

The semiotic method is one of the most important methods that approach heritage texts, approaches that enabled researchers to reread and interpret new interpretation. This article deals with the analysis of the Maqama {old type of story} of Eid by Ibn Morabea Al Azdi, a semiotic analysis that reveals the hidden relationships and the deep structure, but this does not mean that the meaning is final, because the text according to the semiotic method remains open. We concluded that this maqama is a reflection of a set of values, behaviors or ideology, and its deep structure reveals the desire for wealth, through the counterparts of poverty and wealth, support and compliance. 

Bassam Dawood Salman Al-Zubaidi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

The novel constitutes an essential and prominent genre of literature، because of its effect in employing the emotions of individuals and the variables of the movement of society، and representing them in the finest forms of the imagination، and providing solutions to the problems of lived reality، and making it one of the urgent goals as an intended goal in order to coincide with the general social good. Time and space among the fictional elements; The two themselves are inseparable. They interact and exchange influence and influence; It cannot do without these two elements; They are the backbone of narrative work. In this research، we try to study the two elements of space and time in the narration of the Gypsy Suns، and we try to study their relationship together. We adopted the narrative structural approach in analyzing the aforementioned novel. And we concluded that Haidar Haidar created a space for scattered events، as if the reader had to rearrange these events. Haidar Haidar invested these events that resemble a circle that are repeated to show the reader the situation of the Arab world at the end of the last century to infuse the vocabulary of that era with extremism، isolation and family disintegration to deal with these events and their impact. Continuous with progress in time. This presentation of facts in Arab society presented by Haydar Haydar we see it as a realistic presentation without falsehood by breaking the stereotypes of many literary works that contradict reality and jump to the truth. We see in the predominance of retrieval in the novel to escape from the present time، as the novel has had a plentiful share of the techniques of the frequency of the narration، whether in terms of speed or slow، the description is a temporal mechanism that works to slow and stop time، and this creates a time space in which events stop. Based on an understanding of the general framework of events، in it the scenes، paragraphs، and dialogues of the novel converge، whether it is fact or fiction، because when literary work loses locality، it loses its specificity and thus its originality. And leave the character the freedom to show different feelings towards him. The Gypsy Suns novel is considered a chronological novel since its inception with an ascending temporal event. Haydar Haydar relied on the technique of contradictory dualities، which the international writer Samuel Cried was famous for، objectivity and subjectivity، past and present، optimism and pessimism، simplification and complexity، tolerance and hatred، coincidence and necessity، love and killing، life Death، contradictions portrayed by the writer through the main character in the novel and through the effect of the rest of the characters who were influential in the course of events، even if we got to know them in a few lines.

Alaa Mohammed Lazem Al-Gharawi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

An epic poem, epic, epos, or epopee is a lengthy narrative poem. The research tries to provide a serious reading of epics of Christian Arabic poetry that were inspired by many lessons and conclusions from the Day of Al-Ghadeer. Christian poets weave from the inspiration of this day artistic images with creative abilities to guide recipients to its importance in correcting the course of humanity. Arab poetry epics are poetic material, a revolution and an important one. It was not shed light on it, and literary studies were not presented on it that highlight the potentials of creativity embodied between the folds of language, significance and image. To the recipient to urge and guide him to adhere to the facts, lessons and ideas that are involved under the idea of Day of Al-Ghadeer that would call for adhering to the bonds of the people of the house, the ship to the salvation of humanity. Together, these concepts and data increased our insistence on reading epics of Christian poetry, trying to search for the extent of their ability to achieve the process of communication between the recipient circles, as we saw, to analyze it in a different way by delving into its connotations, its purposes, the reality of the functions that the language performs in it, and its communicative goals through focus On the structure of language, and the basic functions it performs as a discourse, it is only embodied through language as the nerve in the events of communication between the creator and the recipient

Ali Afzali, Narges Bigdeli,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Dada is a phenomenon that exploded in the face of political, economic, and moral crises, and considered it the pioneers of the Savior who will dispel all these problems. The only form of salvation was rejecting all that was traditional and adopting the logic of chaos and rejection. In Dada, the primary suspicion of the narrow horizon of art translates into outright hostility toward its values ​​and institutions. The poet Shawqi Abi Shaqra was one of the most prominent pillars of the "Poetry" magazine, which was founded by the surreal poets at the time and has a fundamental role in the spread and development of the modern movement of Arabic poetry. This paper attempts to find, through a descriptive-analytical method, the features of Dada movement in Abi shaqra's poetry to search for the tributaries of Dada and its features in his poetry. This study reached results indicating that Abi Shaqra worked hard to completely liberate from the bond of the past that transcends half-solutions and the idea of ​​compromises, and liberates a person from restrictions that hinder his movement, so that he may reach the future to shape it as he likes. Likewise, the apparent creation of Abi Shaqra and his attempt to liberate the language and strip the vocabulary of its sensitivity and the creation of contradictory structures created anarchism in his poems and made it an eloquent embodiment of Dadaist works. 

Yousra Shadman,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

The Arabic novel is the result of global intellectual developments, the emergence and growth of which has been influenced by Western ideas particularly since the mid-nineteenth century. This study attempts to examine the narrative features of contemporary Arabic novels in a descriptive-analytical manner by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information. In the early 1960s, the Arabic novel entered a new phase of development since the late nineteenth century; in the last three decades it has proved its own unique and special linguistic features. This study examines Naguib Mahfouz’s Arabian Nights and Days and Abdul Rahman Munif’s The Wanderer, the two novels which share common narrative features and structures. In order to analyze the story at different, its narrative structure, and omniscient narrator it is possible to apply the traditional narrative method (such exposition, conflict, climax, and falling action), examine the characterization of protagonists, and dialogues between the characters.

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