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Showing 1 results for Najwa Bin Shatwan‚ Personality

Mazaher Sharifi , Ali Salimi, Ali Akbar Mohseni, Maryam Rahmati,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2022)

The structural study of the novel as an outstanding literary genre by analysing the internal components and descrbing the relationships of these elements makes its inner layers clear to the audience. Influenced by pioneer structuralists ideas, especially Prop, Claude Bermon, a famous French philosopher and narratologist, designed a new model for structural analysis of narrations. A template that can be adapted to any language and style. According to this theory, narrative is a coherent and related set of sequences that makes up the structure of story. The combination and sequential process of these main and sub-sequences make the outline of the narrations. And the characters of the story play a role in shaping the plot and the series of events in proportion to their presence and influence in the narration. Zaraib al-'Abid's novel by Najwa bin Shatwan, a Libyan female writer, is a remarkable work in terms of structure and content. The subject of this realistic workis the story of the slavery system that dominated Libyan society during the years of occupation of the country by the Ottoman government and the beginning of Italian colonialism. In this research, the central characters and their actions and reactions in the course of the narration will be investigated in a descriptive and analytical way, and the course of events will be examined in terms of conformity and coincidence with the Bremon model. Based on the obtained results, it can be said that the arrangement of events and developments and their sequence have a considerable harmony and discipline and its main and central characters are dynamic and well-organized.


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