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Showing 1 results for Murtadha Abdussalam Al-Haqiqi

Bashir Amin,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Time and space are parts of the major components in fiction literature that could not be separated from each other, both of them play a tremendous role in novel setting. This research aimed to examine the structure of time and space in “the Year, and Journey of az-Zahra” of Murtadha Abdussalam Al-Haqiq in order to affirm to which extent the novelist succeeded in constructing these two components in his novels. Descriptive method was adopted for the research. The study revealed that time and space were given great values during the narration and they were both linked with other components in the novels. The researcher discovered many results at the end of the study, these include but not limited to the fact that the novelist adopted modern narrative techniques to construct time and space in the novels. While narrating time of events, he used paradox techniques to brief the reader about past events and predicted the future of characters. He equally depended on summary and omission to speed up the narration forward to avoid missioning issues that do not fit the content of the narration. He then used dialogue and descriptive pause to slow down the narration to reveal the emotions and feelings of the characters. On the structure of space, the novelist succeeded in giving an accurate description to all spaces in the novels and attached a special cultural values to them, such as; denoting poverty and wealth, open  and close spaces, rural and urban. Finally, space-time in the novels was able to determine the path of the characters, revealing their emotions and affiliations, expressing their concerns and obsessions, and carrying their visions and aspirations.


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