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Showing 1 results for Implicit Masculinity Model

Tawfiq Rezapour Mohaiseni, Hossein Mohtadi, Naser Zare, Seyed Haidar Fare Shirazi,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Implicit Model is a fundametal concept on which cultural criticism is baed; as it deals with the function of a model in texts and discourses and examines the textual subconscious, and dismantles the academic rhetorical language that is far from social problems and facts of the social life. This model may be present in songs, costumes, fables, and proverbs, as it is in poems, stories, novels, and other forms of art. Beneath all these elements of implicit masculinity model, is a cultural system perceived by the listener, viewer, or reader because of its hidden adaptation to an older model fixed in the mind.This research tries to monitor and analyze the pattern of implicit masculinity in the novel "Salt Cities" written by Abd al-Rahman Munif, relying on the analytical-descriptive approach and in the light of cultural criticism that investigates implicit cultural patterns. In the sub-topics, the representations of masculinity in the novel Cities of Salt are such as: Power, having a male child, the inferiority of women and the superiority of men, and egoism or inflation of the ego. This study reached a series of results, the most important ones of which are: Abd al-Rahman Munif consciously and unconsciously put the model of masculinity behind the aesthetic and literary model and tried to focus on the margin in addition to the centrality.


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