Dr. Gholamreza Karimifard, Parvin Khalili, Dr. Masoud Bavanpouri,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)
Within the pasr few decades, psychological criticism has become an integral part of literary criticism, paving the way for a proper understanding literary texts. The analysis of authors’ emotional and psychological condition is of prime significance in this regard. Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychology, postulated three levels of human awareness: the preconscious, the conscious, and the unconscious which are tinged with sexual and aggressive impulsesThe psychological make up is composed of the ego, the id, and the super ego which constitute the core of an individual’s personality. The Game of Forgetfulness (1987) is one of the most important novels written by Muhammad Barada and has been subject to numerous studies by scholars from various fields. This paper studies the presentation of grief and psychological conflict in characters’ social relations. The main theme in the novel concerns the psychological condition of some family members after the death of their mother, and the problems and difficulties they meet in the society. A psychological analysis sheds light on their preocupation with depression, grief, psychological conflict, and nostalgia which are symptomatic of Barada’s society. The characters suffer from obsessions, ailments, and anguish caused by disasters and mischeifs
Abolhasan Amin Moqaddasi, Raouf Tavakoli, Meisam Karami Enayat,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2022)
Literature emanates from human mind, and the analysis of human mental actions contributes a lot to literary criticism. Psychoanalysis, as the science connecting literature and psychology, has been able to reflect the problems of society through psychoanalytic concepts by entering the field of literature and processing and analyzing the literary texts through characters and their inner states. In his novel Lascivious Eyes, the Saudi novelist Qmashh Allyan recreated the characters of the story through a psychoanalytic approach and highlighted the impact of divorce on the emergence of various types of psychological anxiety for children. Using the descriptive-analytical method and Freud's psychoanalytic criticism and relying on his theories of anxiety and defense mechanisms and the way these concepts are applied and implemented by the characters, this study seeks to analyze the impact of divorce on the actions and reactions of the novel's characters in order to provide a better insight about the phenomenon in question by extracting its components. The results showed that the two main characters of the story, after their family breakdown, were suffering in various situations from realistic, neurotic and moral anxiety and resorted to defense mechanisms according to the situation where they felt anxious to protect themselves from unbearabale realities and mental conflicts.