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Showing 1 results for Fawzi Al-Ta’i

Ali Afzali, Ali Mahmoud Habib Al Mojbeli,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Mankind is not separated from space, but a constituent of it. An artist has a deep knowledge and understanding of space and that is why space and place have always been considered as significant elements of literary texts. Adopting an analytical-descriptive methodology, this article examines the representation of space in Fawzí at-Taí’s I Had a Heart. The article attempts to answer the question how the representation of space in the novel influences its narrative features. The novel narrates the story of the U.S attack to Iraq in 2003 after the Gulf War. In order to characterize the characters, the author has used different forms of space: closed, open, mobile, and fixed. In this novel, it can be suggested, space is the link between the introduction and development of characters. Also, space plays an important role in the examination of events and interactions.

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