Critical discourse analysis is rooted in the critical thoughts of critics such as Foucault, Habermas and Althusser. Critical discourse analysis, considerably utilized in literary studies, examines power, ideology, and metaphor. The critical approach of discourse shows how the language users convey the ideology of powerful groups among the people and recipients of the text by using metaphor. In the critical analysis of discourse, with Vandyke (social field and historical discourse approaches) and Fairclough (which considers discourse as a social act) in particular, different approaches have emerged. From the point of view of Norman Fairclough, the analysis of a discourse is the analysis of each of the three dimensions (social action, discursive practice, text), because his hypothesis is based on the fact that there is a meaningful link between the specific features of the texts, the ways that the texts are connected with each other and are interpreted, and there is a nature of social action and it is examined at three levels of description, interpretation and explanation. Hoda Barakat, the contemporary Lebanese writer, in Barid Al-Lail narrates the life of immigrants, homelesses and refugees who are forced to leave their homes due to social, economic and political forces and live a difficult life in France. This study, based on a descriptive-analytical framework, applies two levels of interpretation and explanation to Barid Al-Lail according to Norman Fairclough's critical discourse approach. The study finds that the use of lexical possibilities at the level of meaning has made the text coherent, and by using them, the author has been able to change the perspective and mental concepts in his thought around convey concepts such as loneliness, being without anyone, fear, war, panic and expectation to the recipient. The author has tried to introduce, in the form of names, the different sections of the society that have been affected by the phenomenon of forced migration and to explain the reasons for migration and leaving the homeland.