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Showing 1 results for Al-Sarkha

Kobra Roshanfekr , Samira Heidarirad,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2022)

The female biography plays a significant role in expressing the ideology of the female writer and shows the importance of women writers in relation to the important issues of the society. In other words; the writing of female autobiography is different from other types of literature because it directly emphasizes the essence of women in the face of the patriarchal society and is the best way to depict the concerns of women, especially Arab women. The current research is trying to examine the biography of the Egyptian writer Razavi "Al-Sarkha" based on the descriptive-analytical approach and relying on cultural criticism. "Sarkha" is the second part of the book "Asqal Man Razavi" in which he combines the experience of his personal life and the political events of the country. In other words, he portrays his severe illness, which is associated with the unsettled conditions of Egypt in 2010-2013. The most important results of the research are: Razavi Ashour is an intellectual writer who in his biography talks about women who had a deep influence on the formation of his personal experience. Also, culture and society play a significant role in the formation of Arab women's identity. Razavi's main concern in the issue of women is the issue of women's education, and he wants to make reforms in the field of freedom of expression in the Arab society.

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