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Showing 74 results for Narratology

Karima Nomas Muhammad Al-Madani,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (8-2020)

The importance of this research is the study of the quality of stylistic features in Iraqi narrative texts. This research examines stylistic and narrative features of Khan al-Shabandar novel. The art of fiction has a close relationship with sociocultural contexts of Arab countries, especially Iraq which has experienced destruction, lack of security and stability, division, sectarianism, exile and murder which are the products of wars. Issues of war and massacre constitute the main bulk of the oeuvre of contemporary Iraqi novelists, issues which have left significant effect on psyche of authors who combine the pain of war with the blood of the innocent people. As a result, they have begun to write down the sufferings of the country. Their fiction is the result of a true imitation of the truth with all its pains and sufferings and the ugliness of murder and terror. In fact, the creative writing of contemporary Iraqi authors shows the awareness of the danger of violence in all its dimensions. In Khan al-Shabandar novel, numerous scenes of violence reflect a bitter reality, a bitter reality which portrays bloody scenes of street explosions, destroyed buildings, the spread of fear, terror, repression, and explosions— as if the country has become a scene of war. This research seeks to examine the rhythm of events and time in the selected novel, paying attention to words of violence. It also tries to examine the context of the narrative. It might be suggested that the novel teems with rhetorical questions and command. The events, which narrate a fearful experience of a real context, are narrated based on the poetics of a rhetorical (dramatic) question.

Dr. Ali Asvadi, Soudabeh Mozafari, Mahrokh Gohar Rostami,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a significant sub-discipline of Discourse Analysis. This approach takes its lead from the philosophical ideas propounded by Michel Foucault, Sigmund Freud, and Karl Marx. Norman Fairclough, an eminent theorist of CDA, attempts to link linguistic features to social issues so that linguists find it necessary to engage with social problems. According to Fairclough, discourse analysis can be performed at three levels: description, explanation, and interpretation. In the holy Quran and Surahs like “Hojarat”, there are abundant conceptual signs which are used to modify social norms. The interpretation level in CDA deals with the relationship between dominant social discourse with different social discourses. Drawing on the description and explanation levels of CDA, this study attempt to develop a critical framework to analyze social discourses in “Hojarat” Surah. It is proposed that the narrative discourse at the education axis in “Hojarat” Surah is in line with social discourses which seek to define Islamic value system
Hanilah Mohd Ismath, Abdul Hadi Abd Aziz, Nor Zainiyah Norita Mokhtar, Arina Johari,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2021)

Since the graphic images of an analogy, metaphor, metaphor, and metaphor, seek to influence the recipient and enable meaning in his mind, it can be said that they are of deliberative dimensions. This research has investigated the maqamat of al-Zamakhshari with a descriptive-analytical method, in order to reveal the features of deliberation, represented by the means of harmony in the science of rhetoric through the process of thinking and interpretation. In other words, the research deals with the Arab linguistic heritage and attempts to relate it to the data of Western theory in accordance with the concept of text's syntax in proportion to it with the maqamat of Zamakhshari. What is noticed in these maqamas is that textual coherence is clearly evidenced. Al-Zamakhshari has employed the means of harmony well, weaving its maqamat coherently, and the text of the text was realized with the emergence of these means. In the analysis of the maqamat, the importance of the recipient’s role in analyzing the text and deciphering its elements was highlighted by his perception of the language of the text and its context. The study demonstrated the close relationship between Arab heritage and the text's syntax, and this is what we have seen from the contribution of the science of rhetoric after it, one of the means of text harmony.
Dr. Lara Nabhan Mallak,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2021)

This research discusses the narrative in the poems of the poet “Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab” and in his poem “The Convoy of Loss” in particular. The importance of the research is evident in the fact that it deals with the language of a popular Arab poet, and with narratology as a method available in modern poetry. The goal is not only to highlight the poet, his poetry, or the era but to help the readers reach a perception where they can spot differences and boundaries that distinguish the poetic language from the narrative language. This is done by following the two styles in the same text, despite their overlapping, aimed at serving creativity and meaning. As for the methodology of the study, it adopts the behavioral-distributive linguistic research that was brought by the American linguist Bloomfield and applied it in his narratives. This approach has been capable of achieving the goal of the research, as the distribution was an important factor in forming the title, and the behavioral arrangement was essential in the semantic course presented. In order to achieve the desired goals of the adopted approach, the main titles of the research were: 1 the title, 2 the verbs (behavioral study), 3 religious and historical stories, 4 the dialogue. As for the results, this brief study showed that the poem is based on both the narrative and poetry. On the narrative level, the elements of the fictional genre, which are the events, the spatial time frame, the characters, the dialogue, and the narrative voice, are present in most of them. On the poetic level, the poet was unstinting in his use of symbolism and metaphor. However, the segregation of them lies in the segregation of reality and what’s been imagined, so the expression teeters between the transmission of the reality and the fabrication of a poetic image that speaks the details of the psychological side. This leads to a correlation between the two and an affection and an influence, as the reality pressures the psychological state until the emotion erupts, whereas the emotion directs its force towards the world in order to influence it. One of the two styles may prevail over the other in some aspects of the text, but it seems that both of them are means and ends simultaneously.
Dr. Ayman Ahmed Ali Alowaimiri ,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2021)

This research is entitled (Aesthetics of slowness in the narration of the Holy Quran) and with the aim of showing the aesthetics of the slowness technique in narration in the Holy Quran by considering Surah Yusuf as a practical Sample. This research intends to unveil the aesthetic techniques in the Holy Quran, namely the techniques of dialogue and pause and their use in an artistic and semantic way and to examine the extent of its impact on narration and its semantic aims, which is beyond narration. And since it uses the Holy Quran as a material for the application of narrative and critical concepts and theories, it undoubtedly leads to an in-depth and important research that is not possible in any other text. Also, any study related to the Holy Quran will be an eternal research which survives on the wise sayings that God – the merciful - has preserved over the ages. This research conducted on descriptive and analytical method to observe and follow the artistic phenomena in Surah Yusuf, which slowness the narration in this surah; and This has been done with the aim of examining the slowness technique, discussing the structure of the narrative, and analyzing these two techniques to achieve objective results. It was determined that the art of dialogue is very widespread in Surah Yusuf; Even the conversational verses reach seventy-one verses from the total of ninety-eight verses, which is the number of verses in the surah. Finally, by examining the narration techniques, it becomes clear that these techniques, including slowness technique, cause a semantic balance in the surah.

Dr.karim Taibi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (3-2021)

This study aims to observe the nature of the ancient Arabic narrative, and on the basis of the narrative analytical method, by studying the feature of the encyclopedia that normalizes the ancient Arabic prose texts in a striking way, indicating the richness and abundance of knowledge, and the extension and bifurcation of the knowledge in the culture of the Arab writer. We have followed this feature in the book “Al-Imtāʿ wa al-Mu’ānasa” by Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi as a discourse based on the encyclopedic narrative, to know its manifestations, forms and functions. Al-Tawhidi's bet on achieving the goal of sitting with the minister is to be entertaining and enlightening, which justifies the speaker’s negotiation about what will prevent him from achieving this goal, and his request to overcome the obstacles that would disturb him during the performance of his mission. We understand from this the desire of Al-Tawhidi to harness all his encyclopedic capabilities and cultural qualifications to achieve the goal of "conversation and socialization", and the appearance of an encyclopedic writer is only a form of influence, as the speaker's goal is to provoke feelings of approval and satisfaction with Minister Ibn Saadan. The encyclopedic picture of the speaker, although it is a feature that characterizes the prose of the monotheism in its entirety, in the context of the gambling it was linked to the function of deliberative conduct, as the speaker intends to perform his educational and entertaining functions that were entrusted to him, so that he attains the approval of the Minister Ibn Saadan, and achieves favor in his council, and one of the documents brings us closer to this feature.

Dr. Gholamreza Karimifard, Parvin Khalili, Dr. Masoud Bavanpouri,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Within the pasr few decades, psychological criticism has become an integral part of literary criticism, paving the way for a proper understanding literary texts. The analysis of authors’ emotional and psychological condition is of prime significance in this regard. Sigmund Freud, the founder of modern psychology, postulated three levels of human awareness: the preconscious, the conscious, and the unconscious which are tinged with sexual and aggressive impulsesThe psychological make up is composed of the ego, the id, and the super ego which constitute the core of an individual’s personality. The Game of Forgetfulness (1987) is one of the most important novels written by Muhammad Barada and has been subject to numerous studies by scholars from various fields. This paper studies the presentation of grief and psychological conflict in characters’ social relations. The main theme in the novel concerns the psychological condition of some family members after the death of their mother, and the problems and difficulties they meet in the society. A psychological analysis sheds light on their preocupation with depression, grief, psychological conflict, and nostalgia which are symptomatic of Barada’s society. The characters suffer from obsessions, ailments, and anguish caused by disasters and mischeifs
Dr. Rima Laewas,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Women writing is experiencing a new phase of creative expression today, whether in terms of quality or quantity, which calls for serious critical studies. However, addressing the literary style of feminist writing is not an easy task in the Arab world considering the lack of critical methodologies in dealing with such issues. In addition, the connection between critical readings and gender identity necessitates vigilance on behalf of th critics especially if a text is analyzed from the point of view of feminist critics who dissociate themselves from male writing.  Is it true that most of men's critical productions of women's literary texts are not devoid of male prejudice? It is the main question this paper tries to answer in terms of examining the following critical issues raised by male critics in the Arab world: gender and writing; breaking sexual taboos; feminist issues; and biographical literature.
Hamed Sedghi, Seyyed Adnan Eshkevari, Pouran Rezaei Chooshli,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Narratology is the result of the expansion of the structuralist schools of the contemporary era. Gérard Genette, a Frenchman, is one of the leading narratologists whose views have attracted the attention of literary scholars. Literary products written for adults are analyzed from a narrative perspective, but less attention is paid to children's stories from this perspective. The implementation of literary theories on children's stories can lead to the recognition of various dimensions of the text of children's stories and reveal their hidden layers. Farashat al-Amirat al-Hamra is a science fiction story written by Egyptian writer Nabil Khalaf in 2004. The present study intends to show Gérard Genette's narrative components in the story of Farashat al-Amirat al-Hamra by a descriptive-analytical method and using library sources. The results of the research have shown that the author has been able to narrate the story impressively, using both inside and outside narrator. The element of time is not linear and timelessness can be seen in some parts of it. In terms of continuity, in 15 episodes of this story, there is a compression of time. The story inspire an emotional environment filled with of joy, sadness and fear in children. After examining the story with a narrative approach, the authors came to the conclusion that the narrative components have been present in the story and the story of Farashat al-Amirat al-Hamra is a fascinating and age-appropriate story for children.

Mina Nikjo, Dr. Robabe Ramezani ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Narratology concerns a set of principle about narrative styles, the systems that govern narrative or storytelling, and plot structure. Narration is a kind of two-layered time-sequence: the time of narration and the narrative time. One of the important issues addressed by structuralist theory is the relationship between time and narrative, or crystallization of time within the narrative. Gérard Genette, Vladimir Propp, Grimas, and Tsveton Todorov are pioneers of this structuralist approach, who developed the study of narration in literature. Genet proposed five important narrative elements for analyzing the structures of literary texts: order, anachrony, continuity, frequency and narrative time. Colette El Khoury is prolific writer who has written significant short stories including “The Female Word”, “The Years of Love and War”, and “The Fragrant Dates, My Fingers Will Touch the Sun”. Addressing issues like history and issue of women Colette El Khoury does not follow the natural and linear flow of events. He uses anachronic techniques such as flash back and flash forward to create suspense in her stories. Also, frequency and continuity play an important role in her stories. Such innovative narrative techniques can be used in roder to analyze classic literary text from a new angle.
Mahin Hajizadeh, Abdolahad Gheibi, Soheila Kazem Alilu,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2022)

One of the most widely used and effective methods in analyzing various literary and artistic texts and works is their semiotic analysis. One of the contemporary theorists in the field of semiotics is the French Philippe Hamon; His theory is based on four principles: 1. Types of characters - which include reference characters (historical, social, mythical and virtual), mediating characters and pointer characters (indicating the presence of the reader and writer 2. means personality, 3. personality sign 4. levels of personality description. The present study has tried to analyze and reflect this theory based on the semiotic method in the novel Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmad Saadawi. Due to the multiplicity of characters in this novel, the four main characters of Shasmeh, Hadi Al-Atag, Ilyshwa and Faraj Al-Dalal are considered. The results of the research indicate that the selected characters are the type of mediating or pointing characters that the author has used to express his thoughts and in fact, by including them in the novel, he has shown his freedom and patriotism thoughts. The meaning of the characters is also expressed more through the introduction by the author; He uses sentences with special care that acquaints the reader well with the intellectual and mental level of the character used. At the level of description, Saadawi has carefully stated all the physical, psychological and social characteristics of individuals. The choice of name is also made with a certain obsession.
Abdollah Hosseini, Kaveh Rahimi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Prison literature is one of lyric literatures which is formed proper to social and political conditions of different communities and is narrative of truthful emotions of those who have been captivated with the penalty of freedom loving and were persecuted and tortured. Aimanulatum)1972) and Bozorg Alavi (1907) are of Arabic and Persian contemporary literature authors who have started literary creation in this domain. the novel "ya sahebi- al- sejen" is the story of 18 months imprisonment of a Jordan writer with the penalty of composing a verse criticizing government and fighting against the high price of bread and inviting the communist party to protest against the governing system in this verse. the novel “fifty three people" tries to expnine grimness and disgracing actions of the prison agents to leftist political prisoners in the frame of fifty three people with the centrality of the author himself and doctor Arani and reflexes an image of social- political space of Rezashah - Pahlavi black period. The present research tries to investigate and comparatively analyze the two selected novels in terms of literature with analytical - descriptive method and based on American school of comparative literature, and coms to the result that the both authors purpose in writing these novels is to describe the enlightment space and the way of governments interactions with intellectuals in Iran and Jordan؛with this difference that freedom of the fifty three people is the starting spot of the fighting The most important  images of prison literature in both novels include threat and torture, hunger strike and relation to family.

Abolhasan Amin Moqaddasi, Raouf Tavakoli, Meisam Karami Enayat,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Literature emanates from human mind, and the analysis of human mental actions contributes a lot to literary criticism. Psychoanalysis, as the science connecting literature and psychology, has been able to reflect the problems of society through psychoanalytic concepts by entering the field of literature and processing and analyzing the literary texts through characters and their inner states. In his novel Lascivious Eyes, the Saudi novelist Qmashh Allyan recreated the characters of the story through a psychoanalytic approach and highlighted the impact of divorce on the emergence of various types of psychological anxiety for children. Using the descriptive-analytical method and Freud's psychoanalytic criticism and relying on his theories of anxiety and defense mechanisms and the way these concepts are applied and implemented by the characters, this study seeks to analyze the impact of divorce on the actions and reactions of the novel's characters in order to provide a better insight about the phenomenon in question by extracting its components. The results showed that the two main characters of the story, after their family breakdown, were suffering in various situations from realistic, neurotic and moral anxiety and resorted to defense mechanisms according to the situation where they felt anxious to protect themselves from unbearabale realities and mental conflicts.

Elham Kazemi, Jahangir Amiri, Yahya Maroof, Maryam Rahmati Torkashvand,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Critical discourse analysis is one of the new language tools used to investigate the hidden relationship between language and ideology in society. And it shows the moral and ideological values ​​hidden in the critical discourse. The present article aims to analyze the novel "Ahdab Baghdad" by the contemporary Iraqi novelist Riyad al-Qazi, relying on the descriptive-analytical method and based on Farklough's theory of critical discourse analysis, which is based on the proposition that: "Critical discourse as a tool for analysis social and cultural changes in three levels of description, interpretation and expression". Riyad al-Qadi has been able to provide the reader with a clear and transparent image of the Iraqi society by using narrative tools. One of the most important achievements and results of this research, which was conducted with a descriptive analytical method, is that in the Iraqi society, the discourse of power represented by the American occupiers and Iraqi autocrats has imposed its voice and ideology on the discourse of the society. And this has led to the spread of political, social and moral corruption, and the prevalence of embezzlement, theft, kidnapping, assassination, murder, smuggling, discrimination, cruelty, betrayal, family disintegration, etc.

Mazaher Sharifi , Ali Salimi, Ali Akbar Mohseni, Maryam Rahmati,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2022)

The structural study of the novel as an outstanding literary genre by analysing the internal components and descrbing the relationships of these elements makes its inner layers clear to the audience. Influenced by pioneer structuralists ideas, especially Prop, Claude Bermon, a famous French philosopher and narratologist, designed a new model for structural analysis of narrations. A template that can be adapted to any language and style. According to this theory, narrative is a coherent and related set of sequences that makes up the structure of story. The combination and sequential process of these main and sub-sequences make the outline of the narrations. And the characters of the story play a role in shaping the plot and the series of events in proportion to their presence and influence in the narration. Zaraib al-'Abid's novel by Najwa bin Shatwan, a Libyan female writer, is a remarkable work in terms of structure and content. The subject of this realistic workis the story of the slavery system that dominated Libyan society during the years of occupation of the country by the Ottoman government and the beginning of Italian colonialism. In this research, the central characters and their actions and reactions in the course of the narration will be investigated in a descriptive and analytical way, and the course of events will be examined in terms of conformity and coincidence with the Bremon model. Based on the obtained results, it can be said that the arrangement of events and developments and their sequence have a considerable harmony and discipline and its main and central characters are dynamic and well-organized.

Tayebeh Amirian , Jahangir Amiri,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (10-2022)

The Thousand and One Nights, with its varied features based on the process of narration, description and dialogue between the characters in the space of time and place, reflects the reality of society in its various aspects, where the contemporary novelist seeks to enhance his novelistic effectiveness by being inspired by The Thousand and One Nights, as a source text, with the refinement of his literary faculties and his mind for creation. “Soulaf Baghdad” by Muhsin Jassim al-Musawi, the Iraqi critic and novelist, who borrowed “Baghdad” to represent the bleak Iraqi reality after the American occupation, is only the evidence of his direct, creative and indirect influence on the narrative climates of the tales of the nights from the stylistic point of view. For the spread of his ideas, his novelistic or creative experience, and his critical skill, as a literary critic, he is immersed in the concepts and techniques of narration simultaneously. Getting to know the novelist's motive for inspiration from the narrative framework of The Thousand and One Nights, explains the necessity of conducting the current research using the descriptive-analytical method. It seems to us that the narrative structure of the novel, with its overlapping narrative structure, secret places, and the presence of eccentric characters, bringing poetry, associated with the thousand and one nights. It can be said that this influence is a driving force for a project that aims to draw the atmosphere of Baghdad, the tragic past of the fifties and Baghdad, its unknown and frightening future, next to the conditions and facts of “Soulaf” with its people, with several narrations in one narration by the narrator of Scheherazade, between reality and imagination. As for the content of the fictional work, It can be said that according to the author's critical viewpoint and the many books he wrote in the field of criticism of The Thousand and One Nights and Arabic narratology has provided his novel with an artistic image with a new reading of The Thousand and One Nights and the mechanisms of intellectual vision in it.


Zohre Davari, Ali Asghar Habibi, Abdolbaset Arab Yousefabadi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2022)

Today, psychological criticism is one of the important approaches of literary criticism. Psychological criticism is one of the important approaches in literary criticism. Karen Horney was one of Freud's students who despite being influenced by him, critiqued some of his theories. In "fundamental conflict" theory, Horney stated that mental illnesses are the consequence of violent and abnormal relationships of people with children. Therefore, according to Horne's theory, childhood is the most influential factor in the formation of personality types (the need for affection and approval; the need for social recognition, etc.), which has been widely used in literary analyses. In Naguib Mahfouz’s Palace Walk many characters suffer from internal conflicts which can by analyzed based on Horney’s ideas. Drawing on a descriptive-analytical framework, this study attempts to examine different psychological dimensions of one of the two main characters in Palace Walk. The study finds that Amina is an exemplar of affection-seeking personality as she bursts with submission and low self-confidence.

Milad Darvishi, Zohreh Naemi, Soudabeh Mozaffari, Soghra Falahati,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2022)

Postcolonialism, as an approach, examines literary texts from different perspectives some of which are more frequent in academic centers like hegemony, center-periphery, subaltern voice and Orientalism. The components that underpin this approach are considerably divers and dynamic, one of which is palimpsest that can be defines as writing over/on previous writings. Colonizers impose their culture, literature, and language over those of the colonized territories, yet are not able to erase them altogether. Indeed, precolonial cultural products underpin the colonial cultural products. The postcolonial culture of colonized countries is like a container that contains the works of the former natives in addition to the colonial writings. The aim of postcolonial writings, therefore, can be shedding light on these underpinning layers as the cultural identity of indigenous people.  This study draws on recent postcolonial approaches, particularly that of Bill Ashcroft, to discover the vanished Egyptian cultural underpinnings in A Part of Europe written by Radwa Ashour. The study of palimpsest, an infrequent concept in postcolonial studies paves the way for new critical readings of the novel. It finds that the novel’s narrator by addressing the economic, literary and media palimpsests of the colonial discourse that have undermined those of the natives, attempts to reflect native values and warn readers of the colonial discourse hidden in it.

Ali Akbar Mollaie, Saied Morteza Sabbagh Jaafari, Samira Heidarirad,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2022)

Omar Ibn Abi Rabia is a famous poet of the Islamic and Umayyad periods. His poems are mainly lyrical, and he played a crucial role in giving independence to lyrical poetry. In his sonnets, the body parts of the Self and the Other are described in a concrete and meaningful way. The presence of the body in the field of language, especially in lyrical compositions, is increasingly important. This study examines the verbal structures and rhetorical methods that the poet used to describe the body parts and considers the female body as a non-verbal medium based on a descriptive-analytical framework and narrative statistics. The statistical table, by determining the frequency of body parts and the type of descriptive or media function, explains the implications meanings of each part. The study finds that the vocabularies that the poet uses in order to describe the beloved’s body are semantically rooted in Arabic poetry. From a rhetorical point of view, there are a few examples of the homogeneous description of the Other’s body. In terms of communication and media function, the Self’s and the Other’s body have psychological and emotional implication and are tied to customary and social symbols, which are manifest in gestures and dress codes.  Body plays a significant role in Omar’s poetry as it functions as a discourse that sheds light on the poet’s conscious and unconscious layers of mind. 
Reza Mohammadi, Azam Shamsoddini, Fateme Sistani,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (12-2022)

The theoretical bases of contemporary narratology are arguably rooted in Russian formalism and in Ferdinand de Saussure’s structural linguistics. Narratology, accordingly, emerged as an independent field of study in the second half of the 20th century, and narratologists such as Gérard Genette articulated the theoretical foundations of narratology. They propounded five key categories used particularly in the analysis of novel: order, continuity, frequency, mood, and voice. Voice, in the analysis of novel, is coterminous with narration which contains two important aspects: “time” and “place”. This study, adopting a descriptive-analytical framework, examines different aspects of voice in Memoirs of an Iraqi Dog based on Genette’s ideas. The study finds that the form of voice used in novel is an internal one at the level of place and futuristic at temporal level.

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