Showing 47 results for Novel
Phd Fatemeh Inanlooyaghmorloo, Phd Farhad Divsalar, Phd Shahrzad Shyda,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (6-1983)
British sociologist "Catherine Hakim" first expressed the term sexual capital and its types in social life and the balance between men and women. In 2011, he presented his theory and opinions in the book "Sweet Money, the Power of Sexual Capital". Her theory is one of the newest and newest theories of contemporary sociology. Before V. Pierre Bourdieu, the French sociologist believed that human capital is not only movable and immovable property. In addition to economic capital, we also have cultural and social capital. Taking advantage of him, Catherine Hakim called the fourth capital, sexual capital. According to Hakim; This capital has six indicators and these components can be more in many cultures. Since literature plays a significant role in reflecting the culture of any society and its thoughts and beliefs, fictional literature is no exception to these rules. Based on this principle, in this research, by using the descriptive-analytical method and using library sources, the components of sexual capital in the novel "Sabaya Sanja" by Salim Barkat, a Syrian writer, have been investigated and analyzed. The result of this research has shown that the components of beauty and sexual attractiveness and the way of appearing in the society for women, and the social component and vitality for men have been more reflected in this novel, and also the author has not raised erotic relations and related issues in the novel.
Houshang Houshang, Javad Mohammadzadeh, Ruhollah Saiiadi Nejad, Mohsen Seifi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (6-1983)
The character element is considered one of the main elements in constructing the novel, because it participates in its events negatively and positively, and is considered one of the narrative techniques on which the novel is based and it is considered the factor of its success, distinction and immortality. Among the types of characters, the role of the hero or protagonist, as the most prominent element, excites and stimulates the reader's emotions throughout the novel and creates synergy and convergence with the audience. The actions of the novel are determined by focusing on the role of the protagonist to the extent that it overlaps with other influential characters. Therefore, in the present research, it is tried to investigate the components of the hero's personality and its dimensions in Rabee Jaber's novel "Al-I'tirafat" based on Eyseng's personality theory, using a library method and relying on the descriptive-analytical method. The novel revolves around "Maroun", a character who lives through the Lebanese civil war, where he reveals the internal conflicts he suffers from, and how the war tries to distort his identity and distance him from himself. The main purpose of this article is to examine the typology of confessions based on this theory, a theory that analyzes and examines the natures in three types: introversion, psychosis, and Neurosis. These three dimensions provide a framework that enables us to understand personality traits and encourages us to better uncover their complexities. The result of the research indicates that due to the tense atmosphere derived from the Lebanese civil war, the main and influential existence of the novel has a shaky and awkward identity and is facing an internal crisis and an identity that has no destiny but darkness and misery. According to Eysenck's personality theory, psychopathy and introversion have the highest frequency compared to other components, such as extroversion and psychopathy, which play a mysterious role. The most important signs of psychosis are imbalance in behavior, mental confusion caused by bitter past events, confession of guilt or remorse and it is one of the signs of introversion, anxiety, feeling of inadequacy and worthlessness or constant humiliation in everyday life and the symptoms of psychosis include lack of concentration, poor memory and stability, and lack of adaptation to environmental changes.
Ginan Hussein Khenyab Al- Darraji, Bahar Seddighi, Ahmadreza Heidaryan Shahri,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (7-1983)
The setting is one of the most important elements of a literary work, particularly in novels. It seeks to recreate reality and allows the reader to understand the novel's events and immerse themselves in it as if it were real, even though it is a product of imagination. This study aims to analyze the significance of the setting in Jabra's novels, intersecting with the perspectives of critic Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, exploring how the setting contributes to the construction of the novel and imbues it with symbolism and cultural meanings. Jandari noted that previous studies were limited to the physical aspects of the setting without examining its role within the text, failing to address questions about the setting within the narrative discourse to comprehend the novel's events. He argued that the concept of space should remain tied to reading, starting from the model rather than theory, to understand the unique ways in which Arabic literature conceptualizes these ideas. Researchers believe that studying the novelistic setting enriches discussions about literary texts, as literature relies on and is grounded in time to create its space and imagery. It also allows us to engage with broader issues related to the interplay of time and space in the studied novels, compared to their counterparts in historical reality, and the resulting challenges of textual-literary diagnosis about real-world referents.Examining the setting as a structural element in Jabra Ibrahim Jabra's novels is a pivotal aspect that lends artistic and cultural depth to the narrative text. It becomes evident that Jabra did not merely treat the setting as a narrative necessity but infused it with profound meanings that complement the characters and events, making the setting an active participant in the novel. The methodology adopted in this study is the structural-genetic approach, which incorporates critique and the addition of perspectives, as the critic revitalizes the methodology through their research style rather than confining themselves to its framework and terminology. The findings of this article suggest that Jandari's concept of novelistic space implies multiple meanings and dimensions. Critic Ibrahim Jandari believes that the study of spatial settings is achieved by examining these intellectual principles within the narrative text of the novel.
Mrs Mina Azizi, Dr Parviz Ahmadzadehhouch, Dr Ali Sayadani, Dr Maryam Bakhshi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (7-1983)
Critical discourse, in fact, is considered the formative process of discourse analysis, in which, by going beyond the mere description of linguistic data, attention is paid to the effective processes in the formation of discourse. In this type of discourse analysis, two social and linguistic approaches are discussed; which is explained in the social approach, discourse and situational context, and in the linguistic approach, the textual context. With the aim that the structures of power, domination and the resulting political, social and cultural inequalities are analyzed and investigated through a critical lens in the text. In this research, the novel "Confessions of Katem Sot" by Moens Al-Razzaz is analyzed using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach in three levels of description, explanation and interpretation with descriptive analytical method. With the critical analysis of the mentioned novel, it is clear that the author is trying to express his nationalist political thoughts by highlighting the key words of the story through the technique of repetition and lexical rhyme and the use of special words, and by picturing it to the reader to understand It gives a depth of the main content of the story. And at the level of interpretation, he pays attention to the situational context and intertextuality of the discourse of the novel, which is the intertextuality in a myth like Sisyphus, and the presentation of the thinking of the national body of the party (Baath) on the issue of internal oppression, which leads to the loss of revolutionary ideas and disconnection. The relationship with the masses has become clear. And at the explanation level, the text was analyzed as a part of the process of social struggle in the context of power relations, which expresses the author's ideology, and the reactionary thoughts and lack of realism and traditional thoughts of the people in the beginning and end of the story, and their superficiality, expresses the reason for the failure of popular movements.
Naeem Amouri, جواد سعدون زاده, Yousef Motaqiannia,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (9-1983)
Existentialism emerged as a result of the two world wars that left darkness and doubt in our world. rather, it was linked to novels and short stories since its beginning. Mustafa Mahmoud had extensive intellectual and philosophical contributions to his literature. Based on this, the research attempts to study the novel “The Impossible” by Mustafa Mahmoud according to the existentialist doctrine, using the descriptive, analytical, and philosophical approach. The results show that Mustafa Mahmoud tried to show the most important existentialist conflicts in the novel “The Impossible”; Anxiety appeared in the adventures of the novel's characters, as "Helmy" and "Fatima" attempted to escape anxiety by forgetting, gambling, and sexual relations. The source of anxiety was in the personal decisions and multiple desires of the two heroes. As for freedom, it appeared in two contradictory forms: the image of paternal authority rooted in the novel's society, and the liberated vision standing against prevailing norms and laws. From the absence of freedom came the birth of alienation, the monotony of the hero, and his laziness. There is a close connection between self-confidence, the lack of transparent feelings, non-normativity, and deviation from society and its morals, and the separation of the individual and his alienation from himself and from society. Likewise, the relationship between the self and the other appeared in a dialectical form full of quarrels and continuous conflicts in the family within the novel's society.
Hosein Marashi, Azam Sadegian,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (9-1983)
Muhammad Mu'min Al-Jaza'iri Al-Shirazi is a notable Iranian author interested in the art of Maqama in the late 11th and early 12th centuries. His works include several Maqamas found in three books: Maqama Nasikha, Tayf al-Khayal, and Khazanat al-Khayal, though many remain unpublished. The Maqamas authored by Muhammad Mu'min Al-Jaza'iri differ from those of Badi' al-Zaman al-Hamadhani and Al-Hariri in terms of style, subject matter, and purpose. The writer deviates from the established norms of the Maqama genre, showcasing a unique approach that distinguishes his work within this literary tradition. Somewhat, this made the author an innovative figure in this literary style. Among all his Maqamas, one that particularly catches our attention is the Swadiya, the seventh Maqama in the book Tayf al-Khayal, which discusses the debate between knowledge and wealth. In this work, the author breaks away from the principles established by Badi' al-Zaman al-Hamadhani and Al-Hariri. This study focuses on the narrator's role and types within the Swadiya Maqama, highlighting its artistic and aesthetic value through modern methodological tools. The research reveals that the author employs a first-person narrative style, conveying events with personal feelings and limited knowledge while expressing internal emotions without accessing characters' thoughts. A key feature is the use of multiple narrators, providing varied perspectives. The study also emphasizes the use of epistolary art in this Maqama, suggesting it represents a new type of epistolary narrative in Arabic literature.
Assistant Professor Pouran Rezaei, Assistant Professor Ali Khaleghi,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (9-1983)
Critical discourse analysis is one of the advanced methodologies in the study of discourse that deals with language. It helps, through the contribution of text and speech, to creating social and political authority. Norman Fairclough was the first to develop a study in critical discourse analysis. Hanna Minna, the Syrian novelist (1924-1991). His novels were concerned with social realism and class conflict. Part of his own experiences had a distinct impact on his writings about people’s daily suffering, as he did not stop embodying the bitter reality of his childhood, and considered it an inspiration for his novels. He wrote the novel “The Struggle of Two Women” in Dar Al-Adab Publications in 2007 AD, and “The Struggle of Two Women,” which is the second part of his novel “Haret Al-Shahadin.” Events appear mixed with the colors of life, love, jealousy, patriotism and sacrifice. Hanna Minna, in his entertaining narrative style, opens the window of history on the story of the heroic Syrian struggle against the French colonizer and his supporters from the people of Latakia, the destinies of intertwined characters during the exciting chase in Syria and its neighborhoods. The research revolves around three levels: The first is the “level of description,” which deals with the external weaving of the text. The second is the “level of explanation,” which searches for the ideology present in the text of the novel. The third is the “level of interpretation,” which is a study of the internal weaving of the text, and the idea and emotion are the meaning of this text. The approach we have adopted in this article is descriptive and analytical, which deals with the novel “The Struggle of Two Women” in the light of Norman Fairclough’s vision. One of the most important results that can be concluded in this research is that the description in the text structure of the novel focuses on the element of repetition, and intertextuality is “another novel between this novel.” And also, in terms of the similarity of phrases that distinguish the novel from the rest of it. The level of explanation that expresses the author's ideology was, the writer tells us about the struggle of the Syrians against the French occupation through two Syrian women and their struggle to excel in the struggle and at the same time for the heart of a man.