Reza Mohammadi, Azam Shamsoddini, Fateme Sistani,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Autumn&Winter 2022)
The theoretical bases of contemporary narratology are arguably rooted in Russian formalism and in Ferdinand de Saussure’s structural linguistics. Narratology, accordingly, emerged as an independent field of study in the second half of the 20th century, and narratologists such as Gérard Genette articulated the theoretical foundations of narratology. They propounded five key categories used particularly in the analysis of novel: order, continuity, frequency, mood, and voice. Voice, in the analysis of novel, is coterminous with narration which contains two important aspects: “time” and “place”. This study, adopting a descriptive-analytical framework, examines different aspects of voice in Memoirs of an Iraqi Dog based on Genette’s ideas. The study finds that the form of voice used in novel is an internal one at the level of place and futuristic at temporal level.
Azam Shamsoddini Fard, Nayyere Askari,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (9-1983)
Among the literary works, the short story has a special place and is among the most important arts that deal with the reform of the society and related issues. Meanwhile, the character is the basic part of the short story and the center of transferring ideas and showing events. Grimas is one of the theorists who examines the actions of the characters in the story. In this theory, the characters of the story, determine the general trajectory of the story in the interactive actors such as sender, receiver, actor, object, helper and deterrent. Jamal Ghitani is one of the leading Egyptian writers who has been among the greats of contemporary fiction by innovating in fiction. The fictional collection of "Arz- Arz " is one of the works of this contemporary creative writer, which consists of seven short stories and one of this stories is ‘Osfur Al- Sheta Al- Mohajer’ In which the author writes about the Presence of an war-torn child into a horrific environment of war. In this descriptive-analytical study, the application of the Grimas model in the characterization of this story has been investigated. The results of the research show that the author of the story has been able to implement the grimace actor model in this story by carefully using the characters and processing them. And in this regard, he has used all kinds of actors in creating the characters of his story and by creating dual contrasts, he has clearly explained the different actors. In this story, both human and non-living characters are seen, and Ghitani has used both direct and indirect character processing methods to process the characters. The characters of the story are pictures of the people of the Egyptian society in the age of the writer and this has led to the emergence of meaningful characters from them.