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Showing 2 results for mohammadi

Reza Mohammadi, Azam Shamsoddini, Fateme Sistani,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Autumn&Winter 2022)

The theoretical bases of contemporary narratology are arguably rooted in Russian formalism and in Ferdinand de Saussure’s structural linguistics. Narratology, accordingly, emerged as an independent field of study in the second half of the 20th century, and narratologists such as Gérard Genette articulated the theoretical foundations of narratology. They propounded five key categories used particularly in the analysis of novel: order, continuity, frequency, mood, and voice. Voice, in the analysis of novel, is coterminous with narration which contains two important aspects: “time” and “place”. This study, adopting a descriptive-analytical framework, examines different aspects of voice in Memoirs of an Iraqi Dog based on Genette’s ideas. The study finds that the form of voice used in novel is an internal one at the level of place and futuristic at temporal level.

Qader Qaderi, Javad Karkhaneh, Mahdi Mohammadinejad, Mohammadmahdi Roshanchesli, Zolaykha Janali Niya Syahkalroodi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (6-2024)

Women’s literature has experienced a new stage in the last two centuries with the presence of more women in the field of literature and the use of feminine language in order to defend women’s rights. This type of literature holds a special significance because women showcase parts of their inner issues in their literary works by paying attention to their personal characteristics by drawing on love and affection, as well as being influenced by the heavy pressures they always face in their societies. Among the most famous of these women, we can mention in Ghada al-Samman, the author of The Impossible Novel and Emily Bronte, the author of Wuthering Heights. Utilizing a descriptive-analytical approach, this study finds that marriage, women’s right to choose a spouse, clothing, education, work, and economic-social activity are the common points between these two authors. Finally, the education of women is central to the oeuvre of both of the authors.

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