Hamed Sedghi, Seyyed Adnan Eshkevari, Pouran Rezaei Chooshli,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Spring and summer 2021)
Narratology is the result of the expansion of the structuralist schools of the contemporary era. Gérard Genette, a Frenchman, is one of the leading narratologists whose views have attracted the attention of literary scholars. Literary products written for adults are analyzed from a narrative perspective, but less attention is paid to children's stories from this perspective. The implementation of literary theories on children's stories can lead to the recognition of various dimensions of the text of children's stories and reveal their hidden layers. Farashat al-Amirat al-Hamra is a science fiction story written by Egyptian writer Nabil Khalaf in 2004. The present study intends to show Gérard Genette's narrative components in the story of Farashat al-Amirat al-Hamra by a descriptive-analytical method and using library sources. The results of the research have shown that the author has been able to narrate the story impressively, using both inside and outside narrator. The element of time is not linear and timelessness can be seen in some parts of it. In terms of continuity, in 15 episodes of this story, there is a compression of time. The story inspire an emotional environment filled with of joy, sadness and fear in children. After examining the story with a narrative approach, the authors came to the conclusion that the narrative components have been present in the story and the story of Farashat al-Amirat al-Hamra is a fascinating and age-appropriate story for children.
Faramarz Mirzaei , Khalil Parvini, Zahra Rezaei,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Spring & Sammer 2022)
It is important to tell the history for children in the form of a story instead of a soulless and direct report. Because the story has magical tools, including character structurizing, which has attracted the attention of the audience and made it a suitable educational tool for teaching history to children. Abdul-Tawab Yossef teaches the history of Islam to children by using the art of story in his collection of stories (20 stories from the life of Prophet Muhammad). Among the author's tricks in teaching history is the design of fictional characters and their structurizing in the form of objects and animals. This collection of stories is a historical novel about the life of the Messenger of God, which narrates the real events of his life relying on artistic structures. The center of these artistic structures is character structurizing, which has been used for easy understanding of history. The narrator in these stories is designed objects and animals that the author has given life to so that they assume the dignity of humans and living creatures and narrate events from their observations as fictional characters. Based on the descriptive analytical method, this research examines 6 stories from this collection of stories and investigates how to use characters to facilitate the understanding of history and to express it in an easy way to children. The stories in this collection are divided into two parts: human characters that are taken from the history of Islam and have the role of documenting historical events in the story. The second division is fictional characters who play the role of narrators who, as witnesses, narrate the events as they happened. The author chose these characters to attract the attention of the audience to make it easy for the child to understand history by mixing reality with amazing imagination. Especially, he has established a close relationship between those historical events and the structurizing of the characters, which can fulfill the responsibility of the narrative well.
Assistant Professor Pouran Rezaei, Assistant Professor Ali Khaleghi,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (9-1983)
Critical discourse analysis is one of the advanced methodologies in the study of discourse that deals with language. It helps, through the contribution of text and speech, to creating social and political authority. Norman Fairclough was the first to develop a study in critical discourse analysis. Hanna Minna, the Syrian novelist (1924-1991). His novels were concerned with social realism and class conflict. Part of his own experiences had a distinct impact on his writings about people’s daily suffering, as he did not stop embodying the bitter reality of his childhood, and considered it an inspiration for his novels. He wrote the novel “The Struggle of Two Women” in Dar Al-Adab Publications in 2007 AD, and “The Struggle of Two Women,” which is the second part of his novel “Haret Al-Shahadin.” Events appear mixed with the colors of life, love, jealousy, patriotism and sacrifice. Hanna Minna, in his entertaining narrative style, opens the window of history on the story of the heroic Syrian struggle against the French colonizer and his supporters from the people of Latakia, the destinies of intertwined characters during the exciting chase in Syria and its neighborhoods. The research revolves around three levels: The first is the “level of description,” which deals with the external weaving of the text. The second is the “level of explanation,” which searches for the ideology present in the text of the novel. The third is the “level of interpretation,” which is a study of the internal weaving of the text, and the idea and emotion are the meaning of this text. The approach we have adopted in this article is descriptive and analytical, which deals with the novel “The Struggle of Two Women” in the light of Norman Fairclough’s vision. One of the most important results that can be concluded in this research is that the description in the text structure of the novel focuses on the element of repetition, and intertextuality is “another novel between this novel.” And also, in terms of the similarity of phrases that distinguish the novel from the rest of it. The level of explanation that expresses the author's ideology was, the writer tells us about the struggle of the Syrians against the French occupation through two Syrian women and their struggle to excel in the struggle and at the same time for the heart of a man.