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Showing 2 results for Azizi

Yosra Shadman, Nemat Azizi, Kholud Khazir Abed,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (4-2025)

Heritage constitutes a prominent part of Ahmed bin Alwan’s poetry due to his love for heritage on the one hand and his desire to communicate with his Islamic audience and the Arab intellectual on the other hand. Therefore, he used inheritance in a collection of poems. This study attempts to shed light on the evocation of inheritance and its aesthetic and semantic role in his poetry through by using a descriptive-analytical framework. It examines the numerous manifestations of intertextuality in the poetry of Ahmed bin Alwen as he draws on heritage in its various types in his collections. Intertextuality was divided into types: Qur’anic and narrative intertextuality out of which religious intertextuality evolves. There are also three types of artistic intertextuality: dialogic, absorptive, and ruminate. The poet used religious intertextuality for many purposes, the most prominent of which was the sanctification of some figures such as Idris (peace be upon him) and   Ahl al - Bayt. The poet’s utilized religious intertextuality to reveal ancient Islamic glory with the aim of linking the nation’s present with its antiquity.

Mrs Mina Azizi, Dr Parviz Ahmadzadehhouch, Dr Ali Sayadani, Dr Maryam Bakhshi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (7-1983)

Critical discourse, in fact, is considered the formative process of discourse analysis, in which, by going beyond the mere description of linguistic data, attention is paid to the effective processes in the formation of discourse. In this type of discourse analysis, two social and linguistic approaches are discussed; which is explained in the social approach, discourse and situational context, and in the linguistic approach, the textual context. With the aim that the structures of power, domination and the resulting political, social and cultural inequalities are analyzed and investigated through a critical lens in the text. In this research, the novel "Confessions of Katem Sot" by Moens Al-Razzaz is analyzed using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach in three levels of description, explanation and interpretation with descriptive analytical method. With the critical analysis of the mentioned novel, it is clear that the author is trying to express his nationalist political thoughts by highlighting the key words of the story through the technique of repetition and lexical rhyme and the use of special words, and by picturing it to the reader to understand It gives a depth of the main content of the story. And at the level of interpretation, he pays attention to the situational context and intertextuality of the discourse of the novel, which is the intertextuality in a myth like Sisyphus, and the presentation of the thinking of the national body of the party (Baath) on the issue of internal oppression, which leads to the loss of revolutionary ideas and disconnection. The relationship with the masses has become clear. And at the explanation level, the text was analyzed as a part of the process of social struggle in the context of power relations, which expresses the author's ideology, and the reactionary thoughts and lack of realism and traditional thoughts of the people in the beginning and end of the story, and their superficiality, expresses the reason for the failure of popular movements.

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