Ali Afzali, Ali Mahmoud Habib Al Mojbeli,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (winter 2019)
Mankind is not separated from space, but a constituent of it. An artist has a deep knowledge and understanding of space and that is why space and place have always been considered as significant elements of literary texts. Adopting an analytical-descriptive methodology, this article examines the representation of space in Fawzí at-Taí’s I Had a Heart. The article attempts to answer the question how the representation of space in the novel influences its narrative features. The novel narrates the story of the U.S attack to Iraq in 2003 after the Gulf War. In order to characterize the characters, the author has used different forms of space: closed, open, mobile, and fixed. In this novel, it can be suggested, space is the link between the introduction and development of characters. Also, space plays an important role in the examination of events and interactions.
Ali Afzali, Narges Bigdeli,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (Spring and summer 2020)
Dada is a phenomenon that exploded in the face of political, economic, and moral crises, and considered it the pioneers of the Savior who will dispel all these problems. The only form of salvation was rejecting all that was traditional and adopting the logic of chaos and rejection. In Dada, the primary suspicion of the narrow horizon of art translates into outright hostility toward its values and institutions. The poet Shawqi Abi Shaqra was one of the most prominent pillars of the "Poetry" magazine, which was founded by the surreal poets at the time and has a fundamental role in the spread and development of the modern movement of Arabic poetry. This paper attempts to find, through a descriptive-analytical method, the features of Dada movement in Abi shaqra's poetry to search for the tributaries of Dada and its features in his poetry. This study reached results indicating that Abi Shaqra worked hard to completely liberate from the bond of the past that transcends half-solutions and the idea of compromises, and liberates a person from restrictions that hinder his movement, so that he may reach the future to shape it as he likes. Likewise, the apparent creation of Abi Shaqra and his attempt to liberate the language and strip the vocabulary of its sensitivity and the creation of contradictory structures created anarchism in his poems and made it an eloquent embodiment of Dadaist works.