Ethics Commitment Form

 | Post date: 2020/03/11 | 
Compliance form for publishing ethics
Granting material rights and declaring opposition to the interests of shareholders
TO: Editor-in-Chief of Studies in Arabic Narratology (related to Kharazmi University)
After greetings and peace
I am the author of the paper entitled:
I hereby declare, in accordance with this commitment, that this article that I submitted for publication in your esteemed journal has not previously been published in any Iranian or non-Iranian magazine and has not been sent or studied and revised in any Iranian or non-Iranian journal at the time of its submission to Studies in Arabic Narratology(SAN) and I commit to I and all the contributors to this article write that we do not send it for publication in any Iranian or non-Iranian journal pending the study of Studies in Arabic Narratology regarding his matter, as all of his authors agree to my authorization to send to the magazine on their behalf, and we also allow and with full knowledge of granting studies. All material rights to publish an article (and the content of the article is reconciled) in any form (paper, or via the internal or international Internet, a printed copy or an embedded board) and the journal deprives this right of either refusing to publish it or the authors refusing to continue to cooperate with the magazine before announcing its position towards rejecting or accepting the article. Please answer the following questions:
Is this research extracted from a Master or Doctorate thesis or research project?
If extracted from it, please write the title of the thesis or research project:
Where did you save the costs for preparing this article?
Explain the object of opposition to the interests of each of the contributors to the production of this article (material and scientific supporters of it and its book) clearly.
We…………... the contributors and the authors of this article (whose details and arrangement of their names are mentioned in the article in the following table) We all declare that we all participated and cooperated in writing this article and we did not mention the name of a writer without the effective participation in writing this article.
Among the following writers, we have identified for Studies in Arabic Narratology(SAN) the author responsible for the article is…………. and the second author is …………….and the third is ………….and fourth writer is …………and to the last is …………….and we have determined the percentage of their participation in writing the article
(Signing this form is necessary for all contributors to write the article.)
Who is Corresponding Author of this paper?...............
Define the authors and shareholders of the article titled".........................................".
The percentage of researchers participating in writing of this article it is as follows: ………………….

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