Volume 1, Issue 1 (2019)                   san 2019, 1(1): 129-155 | Back to browse issues page

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Abasi N, Abdi S. The Function of Narrator: Reading Al-Tantouria Based on Gerard Genette’s NarrativeTheory. san 2019; 1 (1) :129-155
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-48-en.html
1- PhD of Arabic Language and Literature Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, I.R.Iran
2- Lecturer Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, I.R.Iran , s.abdi@basu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5145 Views)
Nasrin Abbasi:                nasrinabasi10@yahoo.com
PhD of Arabic Language and Literature Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, I.R.Iran
Salahaddin Abdi                 s.abdi@basu.ac.ir   (Corresponding Author)
Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, I.R.Iran
The analysis and examination of the function of narrator in a literary text plays an important role in reading it from a new point of view.Gerard Genette, the French narrative structuralist, has theorized the role and function of narrator(s) in literary texts. RadwaAshour’s historical novel,Al-Tantouria(2010) in which the author utilizes different narrative techniques, is a good case study from a Genettian point of view. In the novel, the author utilizes different intradiegetic narrativeforms: observer narrator, I-as-protagonist, I–as-witness, and second-person narrator. In the novel, due to the first-person narrator lack of knowledge, the author takes advantage of the observer narrator to fill the mentioned gap. Thenovel, due to its temporal fragmentation in describing events as well as the limited first-person narrator,has been studied from a variety of narrative point of views. In the course of the novel, I–as-witnessand second-person narrators narrate events and actions from their point view as the author-narrator narrates the story in the absence of the protagonist. In the novel, monologues are addressed to intradiegetic audience, and therefore are dramatized. Drawing on Genette’s narratology theory and adopting a descriptive-analytical method,this article examines different dimensions of the narrative in Al-Tantouria as well as their role in the production of meaning. The analysis and examination of the function of narrator in a literary text plays an important role in reading it from a new point of view.Gerard Genette, the French narrative structuralist, has theorized the role and function of narrator(s) in literary texts. RadwaAshour’s historical novel,Al-Tantouria(2010) in which the author utilizes different narrative techniques, is a good case study from a Genettian point of view. In the novel, the author utilizes different intradiegetic narrativeforms: observer narrator, I-as-protagonist, I–as-witness, and second-person narrator. In the novel, due to the first-person narrator lack of knowledge, the author takes advantage of the observer narrator to fill the mentioned gap. Thenovel, due to its temporal fragmentation in describing events as well as the limited first-person narrator,has been studied from a variety of narrative point of views. In the course of the novel, I–as-witnessand second-person narrators narrate events and actions from their point view as the author-narrator narrates the story in the absence of the protagonist. In the novel, monologues are addressed to intradiegetic audience, and therefore are dramatized. Drawing on Genette’s narratology theory and adopting a descriptive-analytical method,this article examines different dimensions of the narrative in Al-Tantouria as well as their role in the production of meaning.  
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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