Volume 4, Issue 4 (2022)                   san 2022, 4(4): 5-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Abu Ali R, Habibi Bardbouri A. e semiotics of the collision of destinies and totemism in the cover of the novel Nazif al-Hajr by Ebrahim Alkouni in the light of “Gerard Genet's theory”. san 2022; 4 (4) :5-24
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-320-en.html
1- llameh Tabatabai University , Abualir44@gmail.com
2- sfahan University
Abstract:   (1397 Views)
The external layers of the text attract the attention of researchers in the study of literary texts, especially novels, And since “Gerargent” raised the issue of the textual layers of the text, this issue has become more prominent in critical fields. This article aims to understand the signs of the cover and its components in the novel “Nazif al-Hajr” by “Ebrahim Alkouni” a contemporary novelist. Therefore, this article studies all the components of the book cover, including the :color, title, and the photo on the cover, Because the cover of this novel contains semiotic meanings that deserve to be investigated and researched, And examining the cover of this novel shows that the author does not choose the cover of her book without reason, Rather, the novelist has goals in choosing the cover of his novel, and this research shows that the cover of this novel covers all the events of the novel. As the cover of this novel shows the goals and important events of the novel such as: totemism and the relationship between man and the  totem, The reason for choosing this novel and studying its cover is that the cover in this novel is a strong focus on storing the inner text. The approach followed in this article is the analytical descriptive approach in the light of “Gerargent's theory”, which is related to the book cover, The cover of this novel reflects the meanings of murder, violence, blood, suffering and pain. Among the most important findings of the article: the photo on the cover of the novel depicts the intimate relationship between the animal (mountain goat) and “Asoof” (the hero of the novel), red color is the only dominant color in the cover of this novel. It is a symbol of killing and blood, and the title has been successful in drawing the important concepts of the text, both at the linguistic, metaphorical and figurative levels.

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