Volume 4, Issue 1 (2022)                   san 2022, 4(1): 99-119 | Back to browse issues page

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ghorbani madavani Z, mikaeili M. Female Heroism in The Blue-Collar Girl . san 2022; 4 (1) :99-119
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-250-en.html
1- Allameh Tabataba'i , zghorbani@atu.ac.ir
2- Allame Tabataba`i University
Abstract:   (1381 Views)
A significant concern in literary studies is the rights and status of women. The image of women in literature is affected by cultural and social realities, and in turn, can change these realities. This showcases the importance of novels that address feminism from perspectives. The Blue-Collar Girl narrates the outbreak of an epidemy in the future that affects women’s life and causes important changes in the world. These changes create new limitations for some women that deprive them of basic life rights including family life, education, work, and marriage. This study, adopting a descriptive-analytical framework, examines the continuous and multi-faceted oppression of women and the distinctive image of women in The Blue-Collar Girl to showcase the role of women in liberating women from oppression. It finds that, in terms of characterizing a female heroine, the novel presents a distinctive image of women underpinned by courage, strength, hard work, rescue, self-reliance and other positive characteristics. Such a heroine image liberates women from slavery and oppression in order to reclaim their deprived rights. The novel implies that submission deprives people of their rights. 
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: نموذجیه

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