Volume 3, Issue 2 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(2): 298-329 | Back to browse issues page

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Baharvand V, Amouri N, Khalili P. Analysis of the critical discourse in the novel "Nadi-el Sayarat" by Alaa Al-Aswany based on Norman Fairclough's theory. san 2022; 3 (2) :298-329
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-230-en.html
1- Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz , v.baharvand@scu.ac.ir
2- Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
Abstract:   (2129 Views)
Discourse explains the connection between language and society because discourse is the use of language to influence the audience. Critical discourse analysis originated from sociology and is one of the modern critical approaches influenced by the philosophical views of Michel Foucault, Marx and Freud and believes that there is a dialectical relationship between language and society. One of the pioneers of this approach is Norman Fairclough, whose theory rests on three levels: description, explanation, and explanation. Alaa Al Aswany's Automobile Club is one of the most famous contemporary Arab novels that explains the ideology of power and the social and political conditions in a modernist style in Egyptian society. In this article, we try to analyze the critical discourse of this novel based on the three levels of Norman Fairclough's theory adhering to the descriptive-analytical method. The results show that vocabulary and structures such as choosing the imperative form and using plural pronouns instead of singular pronouns describe solidarity, totalitarian ideology, antagonism and contrast, and clarify the contrast between the character of the kou who oppresses Egyptians and obeys foreigners. The repetition describes the discourse of protest and resistance against colonialism, the most important place being the "Car Club" where important events by foreigners and British take place. At the level of interpretation, historical intertextuality refers to previous texts such as Quranic verses, narratives, and historical events such as the Holocaust, the Haganah, Hitler's dictatorship and his crimes against humanity. At the level of clarity, the author explains the ideology of Egyptian colonialism and the power in the two forms of British power over Egypt in a strong way, and also the power of Englishman James over Egyptian slaves weakly in the novel. Al-Aswany reflects the revolution of the oppressed against the oppressor, and his most important goals are the destruction of the British occupation and the independence of Egypt, and in this way the author reflects the dignity and humanity that were destroyed under the clutches of the colonists.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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57. Yarmahmoudi, Lotfollah (2013), popular and critical discourse analysis, Tehran: Hermes.

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