Volume 3, Issue 2 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(2): 244-274 | Back to browse issues page

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Jahanbakht Layli O, Hoseyni Ajdad S E, Delshad S. The Mosaic Narrative and Its Specifications in the Novel “Raml almaye” by Wassini Al-Araj. san 2022; 3 (2) :244-274
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-227-en.html
1- University of Guilan , omid.jahanbakht@guilan.ac.ir
2- University of Guilan
Abstract:   (1962 Views)
Mosaic narration is a style of modern Arabic narration that has been used in many new novels. This narrative style is characterized by overlap, contradiction, fragmentation, intertwining and disintegration. By employing this technique, an intertwined narrative text is generated in terms of the subjective and main elements of the narration such as time, place and personality. It also transcends the narration from the traditional method in terms of framework elements, and the novel tends towards poetry, play and short story. This narrative approach came in response to the needs of the Arab narrative in the course of its development and maturity, and appeared to dismantle the old narrative logic based on linearity and consistency. Given the importance of identifying the new narrative formats, this article seeks, by relying on the descriptive-analytical method, to study this method in the novel “Raml al-Mayah” by the famous Algerian novelist Wassini al-Araj, in which he searches for new expressive ways. The findings show that this Algerian novelist has taken a step towards modernization and innovation with regard to the process of adapting the basic story of "One Thousand and One Nights". takes a step towards innovation and creativity, and in turn gives the heritage narration new events, calling for presenting the new idea and the fragmented narrative experience, as he destroys the old narrative logic in content and formulation, thus generating from his lips a fragmented, fragmented narrative text characterized by Diversity and intertwining. Based on this, we find that the description dominates the novel and the narrator is concerned with linguistic aesthetics, connotations, and wonderful vibrant expressions. He presents things, selves and personalities in description, and does not take care of the narration and its development. The narration turns into media-manifest writings through these intensive descriptions, and this structure ended with the overlap of times and places and the failure to choose the temporal thread. and spatial coherence. Time and place are not specified in the narration, as events take place in different places and times. In the end, the language and the structure in it are characterized by the remarkable fluidity and the transfer between the poetic, narrative, colloquial and classical cases. In any case, it goes beyond the usual narrative language thanks to its dynamism and dynamism.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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54. Dilshad, Shahram and others (2018), Narrative Reception in the Novel “Sand of May” by Wasini Al-Araj, Journal of the Iranian Scientific Society of Arabic Language and Literature, Vol. 14, No. 46, p. 21-38.
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60. Attia, Reda (2017), Living in Narration, Cairo: The Egyptian General Book Authority.
61. Allaq, Fatih (2008), in analyzing poetic discourse, Algeria: Dar Al-Tanweer for Publishing and Distribution.
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63. Qassem, Siza (1990), Building the Novel, Beirut: Dar Al-Bayda.
64. Lahmdani, Hamid (2000), The Structure of the Narrative Text from the Perspective of Literary Criticism, Morocco: Publication of the Cultural Center.
65. Al-Kurdi, Abd al-Rahim (2006), Narration in the Contemporary Novel, first edition, Cairo: Library of Arts.
66. Al-Madhi, Shukri (2008), New Arabic Fiction Styles, Kuwait: The World of Knowledge.
67. Murtad, Abdel-Malik (1990), the contemporary Algerian story, Algeria: The National Book Foundation.
68. Wattar, Muhammad (2002), Employing Heritage in the Contemporary Arabic Novel, Damascus: The :union: of Arab Writers.
69. Yaqtin, Saeed (2010), Issues of the New Arabic Novel, Existence and Borders, Cairo: A Vision for Publishing and Distribution.

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