Volume 3, Issue 1 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(1): 320-348 | Back to browse issues page

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Talebi Gharegheshlaghi J. Levels of The space-time structure in the novel “Prisoner of Mirrors” by Saud Al-Sanousi (Structural approach in time and space techniques) . san 2022; 3 (1) :320-348
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-220-en.html
Farhangian University, Iran , jamal_talebii@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2503 Views)
The Prisoner of Mirrors is the title of a novel by Saud Al-Sanousi, the Kuwaiti novelist, who began it with this sentence from the Indian Tagore (He who carries his lamp behind his back sees nothing but his shadow in front of him). With this phrase, the writer tries to express the content of the novel in a concise, philosophical sentence, and through it he touches the deepest meanings found in it. This novel is not just a romantic drama novel, but rather it appears through its details that it revolves around the search for the self, the discovery of a dispersed and lost identity, and the pursuit of happiness. chronotop plays an effective role in accelerating and renewing the course of the novel's events. It is a technique considered by many critics to be one of the most important narrative structures for understanding and visualizing events in the narrative construction. This study proceeded to its treatment and its various forms of manifestation and its implications through its descriptive and analytical approach. After presenting and analyzing the subject, the study concluded that the manifestations of the temporal structure in the novel are more temporal than spatial. Because the novel narrates the moral aspect of the story of the suffering of Abd al-Aziz, the protagonist of the novel, who lived a life of loneliness and pessimism. I also noticed that time within the novel is dominated by the retrieval mechanism more than the anticipation. Because your love for the events in the novel centers on the past. Finally, the aesthetic of the narrative structural structure complements the acceleration and slowdown of the narration and the summary, scene and pause that they contain, as these mechanisms, in their entirety, created an integrated tone that tells the story of a hero (abd al-aziz) suffering from loneliness and alienation and trying to recover himself and reveal his identity.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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42. Ismaeli, Sajjad (1441) Manifestations of the Chronotope in the Novel Snow Comes from the Window by Hanna Mina, Journal of Arabic Language and Literature, Year 15, Issue 4, pp. 519-497
43. anesteh, Reza; Ali Asghar Qahramani Moqbel; Rasoul Balawi and Nasir Zare’i (1401) The Time of the Narrative Discourse between Structure and Significance in Haider Haider’s Novel “Lounge Time”, Journal of Research in the Arabic Language, Issue 26, pp. 32-17.
44. Bakhtin, Mikhail (1990) Forms of time and space in the novel, translated by: Yousef Hallaq, 1st Edition, Damascus: Ministry of Culture.
45. Prince, Gerald (2003) The Narrative Terminology, translated by: Abed Khazindar, 1st Edition, The Supreme Council of Culture.
46. Balawi, rasoul (2017) The Chronotopic Space in the Poem of the Swan's Song by Mamdouh Adwan, Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics and Social Sciences, No. 26, pp. 14-1.
47. Jeanette, Gerard (1997) Discourse of the Story: A Research in the Method, Translated by: Muhammad Mutasim Abdul Jalil Al-Azdi, Omar Al-Hilli, 2nd Edition, Morocco: Publications of Difference.
48. Haji Ghasemi, Farzana; Ahmadreza Saadi (1396) Analytical study of the chronotope from the perspective of Mikhail Bakhtin in the novel Du Dunya and Memory in the Flesh, Research Journal of Comparative Literature, Razi Kermanshah University, Year Seven, No. 28, pp. 101-81.
49. Al-Khafaji, Ahmad Rahim Karim (2012) The Narrative Term in Modern Arabic Literary Criticism, first edition, Jordan: Dar Safaa for Publishing and Distribution.
50. Al-Ruwaeli, Megan; Saad Al-Bazai (2002) The Literary Critic’s Guide, third edition, Casablanca: The Arab Cultural Center.
51. Ricoeur, Paul and others (1991) Presence, Time and Narration, translated by: Saeid Al-Ghanimi, 1st Edition, The Arab Cultural Center, Beirut: Casablanca.
52. Shakir, Jamil (1986) An Introduction to Story Theory, Baghdad: House of Cultural Affairs.
53. Abd al Salam, Fatih (1999) Narrative Dialogue: Its Techniques and Narrative Relations, 1st Edition, Beirut: The Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing.
54. Obaid, Mohamad Saber; Sawsan Al-Bayati (2011) The Narrative Structure in the Texts of Elias Farkouh: Multiple Connotations and Integration of Structures, First Edition, Amman: Wael Publishing and Distribution House.
55. Qasem, Siza (2004) The Structure of the Novel: A Comparative Study in the Najeeib Mahfouz Trilogy, Cairo: Family Library.
56. Al-Qasrawi, Maha Hasan (2004) Time in the Arabic Novel, 1st Edition, Beirut: The Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing.
57. Mahmoud, Abd al Alim Mostafa Farouk (2014) The space-time structure in the novel The Bamboo Stem: A Structural Approach, Journal of the College of the Arabic Language in Assiut, No. 33, pp. 174-92.
58. Mortaz, Abdul-Malik (1998) On Novel Theory: A Research in Narrative Techniques, World of Knowledge Series, No. 240, Kuwait: The National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters.
59. Al-Noaimi, Ahmed Mohammad (2004) The Rhythm of Time in the Contemporary Arabic Novel, 1st Edition, Amman: Dar Fares for Publishing, Printing and Distribution.
60. Yaqtin, Saeed (1989) Analyzing the narrative discourse: time, narration, focus, 1st edition, Beirut: The Arab Cultural Center.

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