Volume 3, Issue 1 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(1): 158-192 | Back to browse issues page

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Saleh Bek M, Amirsoleymani S. Analyzing the critical discourse of the novel “Sons of the Wind” written by Laila Atrash based on Fairclough’s theory. san 2022; 3 (1) :158-192
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-219-en.html
1- Allameh Tabataba`i University , msalehbek@gmail.com
2- Allameh Tabataba`i University
Abstract:   (1957 Views)
In general,this research seeks to reveal the concept of critical discourse and its mechanism in the novel Sons of the Wind written by Laila Atrash.The point of view of narrative discourse fluctuates between the narrative content and its narrative components and the critical view of the novelist about the facts of her life which is published in the form of discourse in her work.The basis of critical discourse studies is the examination of the relationship between discourse and power,or between discourse and society in general,and it is considered one of the definite matters of its research.Norman Fairclough`s theory is a social cognitive model that deals with the critical analysis of texts.It deals ith the text as a literary text and as a discourse affected by the social context and influencing it.Therefore, the basis of this researh is to link presentation with analysis through Fairclough`s critical discourse analysis approach,an approach based on which language use is a communicative event that includes three dimensions.The first dimension is textual and is based on linguistic and formal features from which the discourse of the novel is derived.The second dimension is  a discourse that includes the process of producing,expanding and using the text.And the third dimension is social and cultural,which is based on the interpretations and its relationship with the social context during the creation of the textT and Through that the external context affecting the text is analyzed.The results of this reserch,after applying the criteria of Fairclough`s theory in the novel Sons of the wind,are such that language means words,constructions,text structure and textual coherence towards changing the previous values of the society and imposing new values that are conflict with  the wrong behavior of organizations and people of the society towards children living in orphanages and have tried to change the strict laws of the Ministry of Development.In the stage of interpretation,the narrator has described the climate governing the society through clear and obvious discourse that is in agreement with his ideology.In the formation explanation stage,he specifies that the living conditions of childeren in orphanages and their problems in society are among the effective factorse in the of the novel`s main discourse.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: تطبیقیه

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51. Jorgensen, M.and Philips, L.(2019),Discourse analysis,theory and method,Translated by Shawqi Buanae,First edition,Maname:Bahrain Authority for culture and Antiquities.
52. Yarmohammadi, Lotfollah, (1383), Popular and critical discourse, Tehran: Hermes Publication.

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