Volume 4, Issue 1 (2022)                   san 2022, 4(1): 75-98 | Back to browse issues page

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savari S. The Aesthetics of Storytelling Techniques in Ebrahim Nasrallah's Poetry: The Case Study of “Al-Khiwal Ali Mashraf Al-Madinah” and “Basim Al-Alam and Al-Ibn”. san 2022; 4 (1) :75-98
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-218-en.html
Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran , saeedsavari63@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2362 Views)
Literary genres in the contemporary period, especially since the use of narrative techniques by contemporary poets, have got intertwined, and poets have used narrative techniques for aesthetic purposes and connecting them with meaning in poetry. With regard to this, this study examines the contemporary prose-odes of Ibrahim Nasrallah and the interaction between contemporary poetry and narrative techniques in order to analyze their aesthetic and semantic features. The study adopts a descriptive-analytical framework in order to both extract narrative techniques from contemporary prose odes and explain why the poet does not depart from the structure of poetry and prose odes despite the use of story-telling techniques. It finds that the mixture of real and emotional dimensions in Ibrahim Nasrallah’s poetry is due to the Palestine case which forms the main real part of his poetry. The poet's narrative techniques are aesthetic devices to communicate the aesthetic and semantic dimensions of his odes. In this regard, the poet’s poetry responded to narrative elements, built upon several techniques and methods that express his vision, ideas, and emotional state. His style consists of literary aesthetic and semantic development in order to cover spaces, contexts, and semantic gaps, as well as a dense plurality of transferring images and narrative profiles in order to expand the poetic text towards worldview.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: تطبیقیه

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