Volume 3, Issue 1 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(1): 255-284 | Back to browse issues page

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Kazemi E, Amiri J, Maroof Y, Rahmati Torkashvand M. Analysis of critical discourse in the novel "Ahdab Baghdad" based on "Farklaf" theory. san 2022; 3 (1) :255-284
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-211-en.html
1- Razi University
2- Razi University , Gaamiri686@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3382 Views)
Critical discourse analysis is one of the new language tools used to investigate the hidden relationship between language and ideology in society. And it shows the moral and ideological values ​​hidden in the critical discourse. The present article aims to analyze the novel "Ahdab Baghdad" by the contemporary Iraqi novelist Riyad al-Qazi, relying on the descriptive-analytical method and based on Farklough's theory of critical discourse analysis, which is based on the proposition that: "Critical discourse as a tool for analysis social and cultural changes in three levels of description, interpretation and expression". Riyad al-Qadi has been able to provide the reader with a clear and transparent image of the Iraqi society by using narrative tools. One of the most important achievements and results of this research, which was conducted with a descriptive analytical method, is that in the Iraqi society, the discourse of power represented by the American occupiers and Iraqi autocrats has imposed its voice and ideology on the discourse of the society. And this has led to the spread of political, social and moral corruption, and the prevalence of embezzlement, theft, kidnapping, assassination, murder, smuggling, discrimination, cruelty, betrayal, family disintegration, etc.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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35. Hussain, Meskin, (2013), Poetry of the title in contemporary Algerian poetry, PhD thesis, Algeria: Oran University.
36. Qasimi Gorajoyi; Sajjad and Omid Ardalan, (2018), Critical Discourse Analysis, what and why, Different approach, Theoretical and Fundamental Concepts, Kermanshah: Taq Bostan.
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38. Al Hashemi; Ahmad, (2008), Jawaher al-Balaghah, (Translator: Hassan Irfan), (2c), Iran: Qom.
39. Fairclough, Norman, (2000), Critical analysis of discourse, Translated by Fatimah Shaiste Piran and others, Tehran: Media Studies and Research Center.
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42. Jurgens, Marian, and Louise Phillips, (2010), "Theory and Method in Discourse Analysis", Translated by Hadi Jalili, Tehran: Exir Press.
43. Naseri, Zohre Sadat; and etal, (2014). "Analysis of the critical discourse of the story of the death of Bunaser Meshkan based on the approach of Norman Ferclough", Journal of language science, (third year, issue 4), pp. 110-86.
44. Yahya Ilaei, Ahmed, (2018),"What is discourse analysis", Public Relations Research, 10(60). pp. 58-64
45. Fairclough, N, (1989), Language and power, london: Longman.

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