Volume 3, Issue 1 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(1): 108-131 | Back to browse issues page

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Amin Moqaddasi A, Tavakoli R, Karami Enayat M. A Psychoanalytic Analysis of Lascivious Eyes Based on Freud's Theories of Anxiety and Defense Mechanisms. san 2022; 3 (1) :108-131
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-201-en.html
1- Tehran University
2- Tehran University , Meisamkarami.76@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2116 Views)
Literature emanates from human mind, and the analysis of human mental actions contributes a lot to literary criticism. Psychoanalysis, as the science connecting literature and psychology, has been able to reflect the problems of society through psychoanalytic concepts by entering the field of literature and processing and analyzing the literary texts through characters and their inner states. In his novel Lascivious Eyes, the Saudi novelist Qmashh Allyan recreated the characters of the story through a psychoanalytic approach and highlighted the impact of divorce on the emergence of various types of psychological anxiety for children. Using the descriptive-analytical method and Freud's psychoanalytic criticism and relying on his theories of anxiety and defense mechanisms and the way these concepts are applied and implemented by the characters, this study seeks to analyze the impact of divorce on the actions and reactions of the novel's characters in order to provide a better insight about the phenomenon in question by extracting its components. The results showed that the two main characters of the story, after their family breakdown, were suffering in various situations from realistic, neurotic and moral anxiety and resorted to defense mechanisms according to the situation where they felt anxious to protect themselves from unbearabale realities and mental conflicts.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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63. Al-Alyan, Qmashh, (2005), Dirty Eyes, Second Edition, Pirot: Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing.
64. Arianpour, Amir Hossein, (1978), Freudianism with references to literature and mysticism, 2nd edition, Tehran: Avicenna.
65. Brentano, Stuart Cornelia and Clarke, Alison, (2013), Divorce, Causes and Consequences, Translation: Saeed Sadeghi et al., 5th edition, Isfahan: Publishing Knowledge Message.
66. Bresler, Charles, (2017), An Income on Theories and Methods of Literary Criticism, Translated by Mostafa Abedinifard, 4th Edition, Tehran: Niloofar Publications.
67. Bruno, Farank, (1994), Descriptive Culture of Psychology, Translation: Farzaneh Taheri, 1st edition, Tehran: No Design.
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69. Ganji, Hamza, (2019), Public Psychology, Tehran: PublishingSawalan.
70. Jazayeri, Alireza, (2014), Sigmund Freud, Founder of Psychoanalysis, 4th edition, Tehran: Daereh.
71. Jones, Ernest and Dolbys, (1963), Freud and the Principles of Psychoanalysis, translation: Hashem Razi, Tehran: Kaveh.
72. Greene, Wilfried, and Jill Labihan, (2004), The theory and literary criticism textbook, translated by Leila Behrani Mohammadi, Tehran: Roozegar.
73. Karimi, Yousef, (2017), Personality Psychology, 21st Edition, Tehran: Editing.
74. Landin, Robert W., (2019), Theories and Systems of Psychology, translated by Yahya Seyed Mousavi, Tehran: Editing.
75. Lodge, David and Watt, Ian, (2020), Novel Theories from Realism to Postmodernism, translated by Hossein Payandeh, 4th edition, Tehran: Niloofar Publications.
76. Marouf, Yahya and Khosravi, Somayeh, (2016), "The Study of Women's Sexuality in Three Short Stories of Qamash al-'Alian", Criticism of Contemporary Arabic Literature, No. 10, pp. 137-166.
77. Manfreda, Margarite and Crompitz Sydney, (1991), Psychiatric Nursing, Translation: Talat Shahriari et al., 1st edition, Tehran: University Center.
78. Mastari Farahani, Tahir. (2010). "Translation of The Novel of Ayyoun Qazareh by Qamasheh al-Alian", Masoumeh Shabestari, School of Literature, University of Tehran.
79. Mir Sadeghi, Jamal, (2015), Elements of Fiction, 9th Edition, Tehran: Sokhan Publications.
80. Muhammad al-Faqir, Salem Yassin, (2009), "Vision and Formation in the Works of the Aliyan Cloth of Fiction", Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Baoul, Jordan, Mutah University.
81. Payandeh, Hossein, (2020), Literary Theory and Criticism, InterdisciplinaryNames, Volume 2, 3rd Edition, Tehran: Samt.
82. , -----------, (1994), "Psychoanalysis of a Psychotic Personality in a Woman Who Lost Her Man", Fiction Literature, No. 21, pp. 21-28.
83. Pourafkari, Nosratollah, (2008), Comprehensive Psychological-Psychiatric Culture, 6th edition, Tehran: Contemporary Culture.
84. Qutb, Sayed, (2003), Literary Criticism, Its Origins and Approaches, Eighth Edition, Cairo: Dar Al-Shuq.
85. Razm Azma, Houshang, (1991), Psychology Culture, 1st Edition, Tehran: Elmi.
86. Sanate, Mohammad, (2013), Psychological Analysis in Art and Literature, 6th Edition, Tehran: Publishing Center.
87. Shafiabadi, Abdollah and Naseri, Gholamreza, (2019), Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories, Tehran: Academic Publication Center.
88. Shayeganfar, Hamidreza, (2015), Literary Criticism, 2nd Edition, Tehran: Dastan.
89. Shamisa, Cyrus, (2014), Literary Criticism, Second Edition of 3rd Edition, Tehran: Mitra Publications.
90. Taslimi, Ali, (2009), Literary Criticism, Literary Theories and Their Application in Persian Literature, 1st Edition, Tehran: Public Book Publishing.
91. Yavari, Houra, (1995), Psychoanalysis and Literature, 1st edition, Tehran: History of Iran.

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