Volume 3, Issue 1 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(1): 233-254 | Back to browse issues page

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Nazemian H, Azimi Z. Discourse in Druze of Belgrade in the new Historicism point of view. san 2022; 3 (1) :233-254
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-199-en.html
1- Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University, Iran. , nazemian@khu.ac.ir
2- Kharazmi university
Abstract:   (1803 Views)
New historicism is an approach that emerged in response to traditional methods and traditional historicism in the late 20th century. New historians consider history a set of conflicting discourses and address the marginalized voices. They believe that what historians write is not an objective recording of the past events but the interpretation and narrative of the past events based on the discourse of historians. Therefore, history has a discursive nature and is a tradition of narration. In 2012 Rabee Jaber the Lebanese novelist won the International Prize for Arabic fiction for his novel “Druze of Belgrade”. This thesis tries to examine the novel from the perspective new historicism in order to recognize the relation of text with historical discourses. the results of the study show that there are six discourses represented in this article: the discourse of ottoman government, the discourse of European governments, the dialogue of the Balkans, the discourse of prisoners of prisoners, the discourse of Lebanese Christians, and the discourse of Muslims of the Balkans. It also shows that the novel focuses on the marginalized voices and the victims of sectarian violence and governance, whose representatives are on one side, imprisoned Druze, and by the other, Hanna Yacoub and his family. The novel tries to provide a positive image of Druze, contrary to official discourse of Ottoman Empire.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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42. Al-Joboori. Sami Shehab Ahmad& Soha Yones Salma Al-Joboori. (2018). about Literature and criticism. first edition. Oman: Dar Al-ghaida publishing (in Arabic)
43. Al-Hossaini, Ahmad Abd Al-razzagh Nasir (2017). The hidden and clear in the novel Hijab of the bride by Mohammad Al-Hamrani. the journal of Ostad. No 222, pp 225-240. (In Arabic)
44. Al-Salabi. Mohammad Mohammad (2001). The Ottoman Empire. First edition. first edition. Port Said. Dar Al-Tawzie Al-Islamiya. (In Arabic)
45. Azavi. Qais Javad (2005). Guardianship of Westerns on religious minorities as a factor in the collapse of Ottoman Empire. translated by Hamed Montazeri Moghaddam. the journal of history of Islam, No 6. pp 195-224.
46. Babazadeh Fomeshi, Behnam Mirza ; Adineh Khojastehpour; Different Readings of Classical Persian Texts According to New Historicism; Literary text research
47. Volume 19, Issue 63, Summer 2015. (In Persian)
48. Babazadeh Fomeshi, Behnam Mirza ; Adineh Khojastehpour
49. Clarifying New Historicism through a Critical Look at the Papers Applying the Approach in Iran, literary criticism, vol 6. No 22. 2013 (In Persian)
50. Bressler. Charles (2014). an introduction to the theory and practice. Translated by Mustafa abedini fard third edition. Tehran. Niloofar publishing. (In Persian)
51. Hasson, Ali (1994), the history of Ottoman Empire and its foreign relations, third edition, Beirut: Al- maktab al-islami publishing. (In Arabic)
52. Jaber. Rabee. (2011). Druze of Belgrade. first edition. Beirut. Dar Al-Adab. Casablanca: Almarkaz al-saghafi alarabi. (In Arabic)
53. Jameel Hamdavi. (n.d.). literary theories in the modern and postmodern period. Beirut. Mosaghghaf Al-Arabi publishing. (In Arabic)
54. Rezvanian, Qodsiye, New Historicism, Literary criticism, Vol.7. No 25. 2014 (In Persian)
55. Shaw, J Stanford & Ezel kural shaw (1991). History of Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey. Translated by Mohammad Ramezan zade. First edition. Mashhad. Astane GHods publishing. (In Persian).
56. Tyson, Lois (2013), Critical Theory Today, translated by Mazyar Hassan Zade & Fateme Hossini, second edition. Tehran ;Negahe Emrooz& Ghalam Zarrin publishing. (In Persian)
57. Lutsky. Vladimir. (2000). The new history of Arabic countries. Translated by Rafi Rafiey. First edition. Tehran. Elmi and Farhangi publishing. (In Persian)
58. Makaryk. Irena Rima. (2006). Encyclopedia of contemporary literary theory. Translated by Mehran Mohajer & Mohammad Nabavi. second edition, Tehran: Agah publishing. (In Persian)
59. Payande. Hossein.(2018). The Theory and literary criticism, first edition. Tehran: Samt publishing. (In Persian)
60. Yaghi. Ismaeil Ahmad. (2010). The Ottoman Empire from power to collapse. Translated by Rasool Jafarian. 6th edition. Tehran. Institute of Hawzeh and Daneshgah. (In Persian)

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