Volume 3, Issue 1 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(1): 79-106 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini A, Rahimi K. A Comparative study of prison literature in Persian and Arabic literature: The case study of “ya sahebi- al- sejen” and “fifty three people”. san 2022; 3 (1) :79-106
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-192-en.html
1- Kharazmi University, Iran , dr.abd.hoseini@khu.ac.ir
2- kharazmi University, Tehran
Abstract:   (2388 Views)
Prison literature is one of lyric literatures which is formed proper to social and political conditions of different communities and is narrative of truthful emotions of those who have been captivated with the penalty of freedom loving and were persecuted and tortured. Aimanulatum)1972) and Bozorg Alavi (1907) are of Arabic and Persian contemporary literature authors who have started literary creation in this domain. the novel "ya sahebi- al- sejen" is the story of 18 months imprisonment of a Jordan writer with the penalty of composing a verse criticizing government and fighting against the high price of bread and inviting the communist party to protest against the governing system in this verse. the novel “fifty three people" tries to expnine grimness and disgracing actions of the prison agents to leftist political prisoners in the frame of fifty three people with the centrality of the author himself and doctor Arani and reflexes an image of social- political space of Rezashah - Pahlavi black period. The present research tries to investigate and comparatively analyze the two selected novels in terms of literature with analytical - descriptive method and based on American school of comparative literature, and coms to the result that the both authors purpose in writing these novels is to describe the enlightment space and the way of governments interactions with intellectuals in Iran and Jordan؛with this difference that freedom of the fifty three people is the starting spot of the fighting The most important  images of prison literature in both novels include threat and torture, hunger strike and relation to family.

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52. Nimati Qazvini, Masoumeh. (2018-2019). Elements of Prison Literature in Abd al-Rahman Majid al-Rubaie’s Al-Washam and Reza Brahni’s After My Bridegroom. Studies in the Humanities, 2,25, pp. 1-21.
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