Volume 1, Issue 2 (2020)                   san 2020, 1(2): 191-219 | Back to browse issues page

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Dawood Salman Al-Zubaidi B. Storytelling in Shamous Al Ghajar . san 2020; 1 (2) :191-219
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-116-en.html
Assistant Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Kufa, Iraq , bassamd.alzubaidi@uokufa.edu.iq
Abstract:   (2873 Views)
The novel constitutes an essential and prominent genre of literature، because of its effect in employing the emotions of individuals and the variables of the movement of society، and representing them in the finest forms of the imagination، and providing solutions to the problems of lived reality، and making it one of the urgent goals as an intended goal in order to coincide with the general social good. Time and space among the fictional elements; The two themselves are inseparable. They interact and exchange influence and influence; It cannot do without these two elements; They are the backbone of narrative work. In this research، we try to study the two elements of space and time in the narration of the Gypsy Suns، and we try to study their relationship together. We adopted the narrative structural approach in analyzing the aforementioned novel. And we concluded that Haidar Haidar created a space for scattered events، as if the reader had to rearrange these events. Haidar Haidar invested these events that resemble a circle that are repeated to show the reader the situation of the Arab world at the end of the last century to infuse the vocabulary of that era with extremism، isolation and family disintegration to deal with these events and their impact. Continuous with progress in time. This presentation of facts in Arab society presented by Haydar Haydar we see it as a realistic presentation without falsehood by breaking the stereotypes of many literary works that contradict reality and jump to the truth. We see in the predominance of retrieval in the novel to escape from the present time، as the novel has had a plentiful share of the techniques of the frequency of the narration، whether in terms of speed or slow، the description is a temporal mechanism that works to slow and stop time، and this creates a time space in which events stop. Based on an understanding of the general framework of events، in it the scenes، paragraphs، and dialogues of the novel converge، whether it is fact or fiction، because when literary work loses locality، it loses its specificity and thus its originality. And leave the character the freedom to show different feelings towards him. The Gypsy Suns novel is considered a chronological novel since its inception with an ascending temporal event. Haydar Haydar relied on the technique of contradictory dualities، which the international writer Samuel Cried was famous for، objectivity and subjectivity، past and present، optimism and pessimism، simplification and complexity، tolerance and hatred، coincidence and necessity، love and killing، life Death، contradictions portrayed by the writer through the main character in the novel and through the effect of the rest of the characters who were influential in the course of events، even if we got to know them in a few lines.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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