Volume 3, Issue 2 (2022)                   san 2022, 3(2): 160-182 | Back to browse issues page

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Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University , f.ahmadi19@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1040 Views)
In the Holy Quran, God Almighty has assigned a surah to His Prophet Yusuf (AS). Mystics have adapted the truths of the Qur'an to the inner self, interpreted the verses of the soul, and finally presented pure ideas about human truth. The works of Ibn al-Farez al-Masri and Jalal al-Din Muhammad Balkhi are also full of such interpretations. This article examines the "facts and details of the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS)" by reflecting on the poems of these two famous poets and mystics. In the present study, first the joint interpretations of these two mystics about Jamal Yusuf (AS) and his dream and the smell of the shirt of Prophet Yusuf (AS) were examined and analyzed, then Jalaluddin Maulana's views about Yusuf (AS) and Zulaikha and the prolongation of his imprisonment Yusuf (AS) was explained. The results show that the Sultan of Lovers and Rumi considered the beauty of Prophet Yusuf (AS) as the manifestation of the beauty of truth and the manifestation of Prophet Yusuf (AS)'s dream in Ibn Farez's poems is an allusion to the mystics of God on whom the true existence of God has been revealed. But Maulana Jalaluddin does not have an interpretive view in this discussion. Ibn Farez considers the sight of the eyes of Prophet Yaqub (AS) by the shirt of Prophet Yusuf (AS) to indicate that he reached the gathering place, which was transmitted from the shirt of Prophet Yusuf (AS) to Prophet Ya'qub (AS), but Maulana the shirt He considers Prophet Yusuf (AS) as a symbol of discovery sciences. Rumi considers Zulaikha as a symbol of the world and considers the reason for the prolongation of the imprisonment of Prophet Yusuf (AS) to be the attention to the creature who are the captives and prisoners of the mortal world.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بحثیه

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56. Ahmadi, Fatemeh; Chaldereh, Tahereh (1392). "Facts and details of the story of Prophet Moses (pbuh) from the perspective of Ibn Farez and Rumi". Journal of Comparative Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Year 5. Sh 9. pp. 1-23.
57. Akbarabadi, Wali Mohammad (Bita), Sharh Masnavi, Bija: Lithographic Publications.
58. Amin, Seyyed Nosrat, The Reservoir of Mysticism in the Interpretation of the Quran, (1361) Tehran: Muslim Women Movement.
59. Isfahani Torkeh, Sain al-Din Ali ibn Muhammad (1384), Sharh Nazm al-Dar (Sharh's ode's Ta'iyeh Kobra Ibn ارFarez), edited by Akram Judi Nemati, Tehran: Written Heritage.
60. Al-Khoury, Amin, Jala 'al-Ghamid fi Sharh Diwan Ibn Fariz, Beirut: Maktab al-Adab, Bi Ta, Al-Tab'a Press.
61. Kharazmi, Tajuddin (1377). Explanation of the chapters of the ruling, research of Ayatollah 9.Hassanzadeh Amoli, Qom: Qom Seminary Islamic Propaganda Office Publishing Center.
62. Khatib, Hussam, 1999, Horizons of Arabic and World Comparison Literature, Damascus: Dar al-Fikr, second edition.
63. Razi, Najmuddin (1368), Mursad Al-Ebad, by Mohammad Amin Riahi, Tehran: Scientific and Cultural.
64. Zamani, Karim (1383), Comprehensive Description of Masnavi Manavi, Tehran: Information.
65. Sabzevari, Mollahadi (Bita), Sharh Masnavi, Tehran: Sanai Library.
66. Saeedi, Golbaba (2008), The Comprehensive Dictionary of Ibn Arabi Mystical Terms, Tehran: Zavar.
67. Tabatabai, Mohammad Hussein (1378), Al-Mizan, Mohammad Baqir Mousavi Hamedani, Qom: Islamic Publications.
68. Tabarsi, Sheikh Abu Ali (1412 AH), Tafsir Majma 'al-Bayan, Beirut: Dar al-Ihya' al-Tarath al-Arabi.
69. Tusi, Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Zayd (1367), Al-Satin Al-Jame 'for the tribes of Basatin, by Mohammad Roshan, Tehran: Scientific and cultural.
70. Attarzadeh, Sara, Khalilizadeh Ganjalikhani (Critique of the Outstanding Schools of Comparative Literature), the Second National Conference on Comparative Literature of Razi University.
71. Ferghani, Saeed al-Din (1386), the culmination of the evidence and the culmination of the complete lip of the mystic and the seeker (explanation of Ibn Fariz's ta'ih), research and correction by Wissam al-Khattawi, Qom: religious press.
72. Al-Faiz Al-Kashani, Muhammad Muhsin (1402 AH), Al-Safi Fi Tafsir Al-Quran (Tafsir Safi), Beirut: Al-A'lami Institute for Publications,
73. Qashiri, Abu al-Qasim Abdul Karim bin Hawazen (Bita), Latifa al-Isharat, Cairo: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi for printing and publishing.
74. Kashani, Abdolrazaq (1998), Sufi Terms, translated by Mohammad Khajavi, Tehran: Molly.
75. Kashani, Izz al-Din Mahmoud Bana Ali (1367), Mesbah al-Hadaieh and Muftah al-Kifaya, edited by Jalaluddin Homayi, Tehran: Homa Publishing.
76. Goharin, Sadegh (2001), Explanation of Sufi Terms, Tehran: Zavar.
77. Lebanese, Rashid bin Ghalib (2007), Explanation of the Divan of Ibn al-Fareed, Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-Almiyeh.
78. Volk, Warren, René, Austen, (1373), Literary Theory, translated by Zia Movahed, Parviz Atabak, Tehran: Scientific and Cultural Publications.

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