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22. Abd alrrazaq, w (2020). eashr salwat le-aljasad, 1st ed, Cairo: Avatar for Printing and Publishing.
23. Allawi, A (no date). “"Types of characters in the novel" State Sheen "by Wafa Abd Al-Razzaq”. The Generation of Literary and Intellectual Studies, University of Baghdad, I 56, p.33.
24. Al-Zubaidi, Walid Jassem, (D.T.) A reading in the novel Ten Prayers for the Body - by Wafaa Abdel-Razzaq, https://www.worldofculture2020.com/?p=5114.
25. Ameri, Sh; Bakhshesh, M (2019). “Time Techniques in the Novel "The Futility of Fates" by Najeeb Mahfouz: A Study in the Light of the Theory of Gerard Genet”, Arabic language and literature,14 (4), 641-663.
26. Ashbahon, A (2010). Alhsasiah aljdidah fi alrwaiah ala'rbiah rwayat idwar alkhrat nmouthjaan, biruta: aldaar alearabiat lileulum nashiruna.
27. Bakhtin, M (1987). Al-khitab al-rewaie, Translated by: mohammad baradeh, 1st ed, cairo: dar al-fekr.
28. Genette, G (1997). khitab alhikaya, Translated by Muhammed Mu'tasim and Al-Azdi, 2nd ed., General Authority for Emiri Press.
29. Hamdavi, G (2012). Theories of literary criticism in the postmodern period, I 1, V 1, Morocco: matabie al'anwar almghrby.
30. Hamdavi, G (2019). Sociology of style, not edition, Al-khalij.
31. Hashemi tezangi Z at al (2019). “A Psychoanalysis Criticism of the Main Character of the Raghse Aljadile va Alnahr Novel Using Freud's Theory of Personality”. Journal of lesan mobeen, 10 (36); 85-99.
32. Hashemi tezangi, Z por abed, J (2020). “Criticism of Archetypal Character and ssymbol in Raghse Aljadile va Alnahr novel Author Wafaa Abdel Razek”, Journal of lesan mobeen, 11 (40), 81-98.
33. Kasuri, A (2001). The Stylistic of the Novel: A stylistic approach to Naguib Mahfouz's Zoukak El-Madaq novel, 1st ed, Morocco: aldaar albayda.
34. Khader, Gh (2012). “The miraculousness of the stories of Wafa Abd al-Razzaq“ A woman in a body dress as a model ”, Tikrit University Science Journal, I 6, V 19, 91-108
35. Leujeune, Ph (1994). Le Pacte Autobiographique, Translated by Omar Hali, 1st ed, Beirut: Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya.
36. Mutlaq, H (1987). Place in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry, Master Thesis, College of Arts, University of Baghdad.
37. Qasim, S (1997). Arab Novels and Comparative Novels, 1st ed, Morocco: aldaar albayda.
38. Scheffer Mary (n d). Al-jins al-adaby, translated by Ghassan Al-Sayed, 1st ed, Damascus: Ittehad Al-kotab Al-arab.
39. Sharaf, A (1992). Biography literature, Egypt: The Egyptian International Publishing Company.
40. Tadou, M; Sheikhi, A (2020). “Identity hybridization in the contemporary Algerian novel in the light of Homi Bhabha ideas: A Case Study of Amara Lakhous's novel kayfa tarḑaʽ min al-ḏỉ'ba duna an taʽazzoka (how you breast feed from a she-wolf without being bitted)”, pays of criticism in Arabic & Persian, 10 (37), 31-50.
41. Yoktin, S (1997). Storytelling structures in the popular biography, 1st ed., Beirut: The Cultural Center.
42. Abd alrrazaq, w (2020). eashr salwat le-aljasad, 1st ed, Cairo: Avatar for Printing and Publishing.
43. Allawi, A (no date). “"Types of characters in the novel" State Sheen "by Wafa Abd Al-Razzaq”. The Generation of Literary and Intellectual Studies, University of Baghdad, I 56, p.33.
44. Al-Zubaidi, Walid Jassem, (D.T.) A reading in the novel Ten Prayers for the Body - by Wafaa Abdel-Razzaq, https://www.worldofculture2020.com/?p=5114.
45. Ameri, Sh; Bakhshesh, M (2019). “Time Techniques in the Novel "The Futility of Fates" by Najeeb Mahfouz: A Study in the Light of the Theory of Gerard Genet”, Arabic language and literature,14 (4), 641-663.
46. Ashbahon, A (2010). Alhsasiah aljdidah fi alrwaiah ala'rbiah rwayat idwar alkhrat nmouthjaan, biruta: aldaar alearabiat lileulum nashiruna.
47. Bakhtin, M (1987). Al-khitab al-rewaie, Translated by: mohammad baradeh, 1st ed, cairo: dar al-fekr.
48. Genette, G (1997). khitab alhikaya, Translated by Muhammed Mu'tasim and Al-Azdi, 2nd ed., General Authority for Emiri Press.
49. Hamdavi, G (2012). Theories of literary criticism in the postmodern period, I 1, V 1, Morocco: matabie al'anwar almghrby.
50. Hamdavi, G (2019). Sociology of style, not edition, Al-khalij.
51. Hashemi tezangi Z at al (2019). “A Psychoanalysis Criticism of the Main Character of the Raghse Aljadile va Alnahr Novel Using Freud's Theory of Personality”. Journal of lesan mobeen, 10 (36); 85-99.
52. Hashemi tezangi, Z por abed, J (2020). “Criticism of Archetypal Character and ssymbol in Raghse Aljadile va Alnahr novel Author Wafaa Abdel Razek”, Journal of lesan mobeen, 11 (40), 81-98.
53. Kasuri, A (2001). The Stylistic of the Novel: A stylistic approach to Naguib Mahfouz's Zoukak El-Madaq novel, 1st ed, Morocco: aldaar albayda.
54. Khader, Gh (2012). “The miraculousness of the stories of Wafa Abd al-Razzaq“ A woman in a body dress as a model ”, Tikrit University Science Journal, I 6, V 19, 91-108
55. Leujeune, Ph (1994). Le Pacte Autobiographique, Translated by Omar Hali, 1st ed, Beirut: Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya.
56. Mutlaq, H (1987). Place in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry, Master Thesis, College of Arts, University of Baghdad.
57. Qasim, S (1997). Arab Novels and Comparative Novels, 1st ed, Morocco: aldaar albayda.
58. Scheffer Mary (n d). Al-jins al-adaby, translated by Ghassan Al-Sayed, 1st ed, Damascus: Ittehad Al-kotab Al-arab.
59. Sharaf, A (1992). Biography literature, Egypt: The Egyptian International Publishing Company.
60. Tadou, M; Sheikhi, A (2020). “Identity hybridization in the contemporary Algerian novel in the light of Homi Bhabha ideas: A Case Study of Amara Lakhous's novel kayfa tarḑaʽ min al-ḏỉ'ba duna an taʽazzoka (how you breast feed from a she-wolf without being bitted)”, pays of criticism in Arabic & Persian, 10 (37), 31-50.
61. Yoktin, S (1997). Storytelling structures in the popular biography, 1st ed., Beirut: The Cultural Center.