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22. Saleh, Mohsen, (2012), “The Arab revolutions in the context of challenges”. Al-Awsat magazine, No. 22- 39.
23. Sayadi Nejad, R, Mortezaei, Z, (1394), “Rumman’s criticism: We are no longer your side Sahar Khalifa on the basis of the theory of Simon de Beauard,” Zen and magazine, No. 7, 21, 24.
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25. Qarni, Behjat, (2012), The Arab Spring in Egypt, the Revolution and its Aftermath. First Edition, Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies.
26. Kahnemoyepoor, Gh, Khattat, N, Afkhami, A, (1381), Farhang Descriptive Literary Criticism, Tehran: Daneshgah, Tehran.
27. Ibrahim, Abdollah, (2011), Writing and Exile.1nd ed. Beirut: Dar Al-Arabiya.
28. Beauvoir, Simon, (1380), Gens Dom. translated by: Qassem Sanawi. Tehran: Toos.
29. Bouskaia, Sharzad, (2015), "The Image of the Intellectual in the Arabic Novel (Reading in Ahlam Mosteghanemi's Trilogy)". Qiraat Magazine. Issue Eigh, pp. 72-54.
30. Al-Tamimi, Amal, (2005), Biography of Women in Contemporary Arabic Literature. Beirut: Dar Al Bayda - Morocco.
31. Jarrad, Khallod, (2010), The evolution of the dramatic structure in the novels of Radwa Ashour (1992-2010), a thesis for a master's degree at the University of the Middle East.
32. Rahman, Mohammad shafigh, (2019), Biography of women in Egypt: a study studies and articles. Third issue.
33. Shaaban, Bosaineh,(1999), One Hundred Years of the Arab Women's Novel. 1nd ed.
34. El-Shazly, Abdolsalam, (1985), The Personality of the Intellectual in the Modern Arabic Novel 1882-1952 First Edition, Lebanon: House of Modernity.
35. Saleh, Mohsen, (2012), “The Arab revolutions in the context of challenges”. Al-Awsat magazine, No. 22- 39.
36. Sayadi Nejad, R, Mortezaei, Z, (1394), “Rumman’s criticism: We are no longer your side Sahar Khalifa on the basis of the theory of Simon de Beauard,” Zen and magazine, No. 7, 21, 24.
37. Ashour, Radwa, (2015), "Al-Sarkha, 1nd ed. Cairo: Dar Al-Shorouk.
38. Qarni, Behjat, (2012), The Arab Spring in Egypt, the Revolution and its Aftermath. First Edition, Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies.
39. Kahnemoyepoor, Gh, Khattat, N, Afkhami, A, (1381), Farhang Descriptive Literary Criticism, Tehran: Daneshgah, Tehran.