Studies in Arabic Narratology- Submission Instruction
A guide for researchers to send paper to this journal send paper to this journal

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Instructions for authors
Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to SAN. These instructions will ensure your manuscript can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as carefully as possible, so that your paper matches the journal’s requirements. There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor under review in any other journal.


Manuscripts should be ordered as follows: title page; abstract; keywords; main text; and references.
The language of publishing
The language of publishing articles in the Journal of San is mainly Arabic, but researchers can send research papers in Persian, Arabic and English to the journal, and the publishing condition is that after obtaining the approval of the arbitration committee for the article sent in Persian and implementing the amendments of the arbitrators, the article is Arabized into Arabic and It is possible to publish articles in English, provided that the approval of the arbitration committee is obtained, and provided that Arabic and Persian abstracts are added to the text. The arbitration process for articles sent in English to the journal is carried out by international professors who deal and cooperate with the journal. They are fluent in the English language and specialize in studies of Arabic language and literature In the world.

Word Limits

Please include a word count for your paper.

A typical paper for this journal should be no more than 7500 words; this limit includes references; tables; figure captions; footnotes; endnotes.
Style and formatting
- Alaghpen should be used for Arabic parts; Times New Roman should be used for the English abstract.
- Left and right margins should be 1.5 inches (3.8 cm).
- Font: 15 for pt. for the title; 14 for pt. for headings; 13 for pt. for sub-headings; 12 for pt. for the body; 10 for pt. for footnotes. The main headings in the text are numbered with basic numbers: 1, 2 and 3 ... sub headings are numbered 1-1, etc. 
 Checklist: what to include
1. Author details: All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. Where available, please also include ORCiDs. One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address normally displayed in the article PDF and the online article.
2. A non-structured abstract of of no more than 250-350 words should provided both in Arabic and English.
3. no more than 7 keywords are allowed.
4. The title of the article should not exceed 12 words.
5. Tables and figures should be numbered and labeled within the mamuscript.


A list of cited works must be provided in alphabetical order based on APA style (American Psychological Association). In-text citations should be like: the author's last name, publication date: page number(s).
Non-Arabic names mentioned in the text shoul be written in Arabic in references. 

Please prepare the reference section based on the following format
A book by one author:
The last name; we mean the author’s last name, the first name, (year of publication), the title of the book in italics, the translator: if there is, (printed, then the print number if available), place of publication: the publisher.
A book of two to six authors:
We follow the previous system, but we put a comma and then F before the name of the last writer. And they noticed that we put the names of the writers according to the order they appeared on the cover of the book or the title page.
A book with more than six authors:
The names of the authors are written up to the sixth author, then we add a phrase and others.
Translated book
The author’s last name, the first letter of the first name, (year of publication), the title of the book in italics (the name of the translator not inverted, translated), place of publication: the publisher.
An article from an encyclopedia with an author
We use this rule if the author’s name is written on the article, or if there is an author (or more) for each encyclopedia and thus be the author of all of her articles:
Last name, first name, (year of publication), article title, encyclopedia title in italics (volume, part number, p. Pp. Range of pages), place of publication: publisher.
An article from an encyclopedia without the author's knowledge (we start with the article's title)
We use this rule in the event that there is no author, not the encyclopedia in general or for the article:
Article title. (Year of publication), title of the encyclopedia in italics (volume, part number, p. Pages, range of pages), place of publication: publisher.
How to write the final sources of journal periodicals, magazines and newspapers are as follows:
An article from a daily newspaper
The author’s or author’s last name, first name, (publication year, day, and month), article title, newspaper name in italics, number, page number of pages.
Internet sites and articles
 The author's last name, first name. (Year of article publication, today and month). The title of the article is in italics, retrieved on the date of day, month, year of website link .... http: // www
Conference proceedings and seminars
Author's last name, first name. (Date of the session). The title of the research or article is in italics. Presented to the name of the symposium or conference, venue.
Master and PhD theses The author’s last name, first name, (year of publication), thesis title in italics, its type means Master or PhD thesis, university name, place of publication. Side notes for authors and researchers when writing their research and sending it to studies  in Arabic Narratology:
• If the publisher of the book or the encyclopedia does not know, we write Dr. N. It means without publisher.
• If we do not know the date of publication, we write Dr. T.
In the parentheses of history, it means no date, and in English there is n. d.
We express the edition of the book in this form (3rd edition) or (5th edition) and in English (2nd ed.) (3rd. Ed.) (4th ed.)
• We always write c. Before the part number or volume of the encyclopedia, in English we write Vol.}}
• In the absence of a book edition or a part of the encyclopedia or a folder for the periodical, we do not write anything.
• The date of publication is written by introducing the year to the rest of the elements, for example: (2005, January 15) or (1997, December)
On websites, the retrieval date means the day we viewed the page important and we write it like this:
“Retrieved on January 15, 2008” and in English corresponded to Retrieved January 15th, 2008 from… as the month is presented on today.
• In the absence of an author, we start with the title of the article or book, then the year of publication, then the rest of the details as usual.
• When writing the names of authors, surnames such as Doctor, Engineer, etc. are dropped.
• If the name is triple or quadruple, it is written in this way: Al-Shayji, Youssef  Khalifa. So that the last name or last name is put, then the first name, then the father's name, the grandfather and so on.
• When writing the names of foreign authors (whether in Arabic or English sources) we write the last name and then put a comma and then a space and then the first letter of the first author's name and then a dot. And in case there is a middle name, we also put the first letter of it after the first letter of the first name. An example of Sarah James Robin is written as Robin, S. J.
• If "Jerry Thompson" was the author of a translated book, we would write his name as: Thompson, c.
• When there is more than one author for the same source, we place the book according to their written arrangement in the source and do not arrange them alphabetically, because their arrangement reflects the extent of the contribution of each writer to the work, or reflects the scientific position so we maintain their arrangement.
• In the event that the author is a body that writes the full name without being overturned, for example the Ministry of Planning or the Arab Fund for Development.
• When the number of the book exceeds six, we write the first of the six names and put the phrase "and others". Correspondingly in English et al.}}.
• When writing a range of pages we put a dash between the numbers and not "to". For example 33-15.
• When writing a range of pages for an article from a periodical or magazine, we do not place ff. But in the event that the source was pages from a book, encyclopedia or newspaper, we would put a p. Then we mention the extent of the pages. Note that if it is only one page we put r. And not thieves. For example, p. 14. Corresponding to it in English pp. And p.
 • In the event of a volume and number, we put the number in brackets to distinguish between them. If the volume is absent, the number is placed directly without the need for brackets. Note that the volume does not exist without the number
• Always months are written in the form of names and not numbers, for example month 1 must be written January, and so on. The most famous English sources are written in full, for example January, not Jan
• The Arabic comma has its shape (,) and can be obtained by pressing the Shift button and the letter "n".
As for the English comma, this is its form (,), and it can be obtained by pressing the “and” button after changing the keyboard language to English.
• Punctuation marks (dots and commas) are placed next to the last word and leave a space after the punctuation, not the other way around.
• Matters written in italics in Arabic also apply when writing resources in English.
• The researcher must know the arrangement of the alphabets (A, B, C, TH ... etc) and also the names of the months (January, February, ... etc) (January, February, ... etc).

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