المجلد ۳، العدد ۲ - ( ۱۴۴۴ )                   المجلد ۳ العدد ۲ صفحات ۲۷۵-۲۹۷ | الرجوع إلی قائمة المجلدات

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Sayadani A, Ahmadzdeh Hoj P, Heidari S. The synergistic efficacy of the senses (hearing and sight) in the novel "Dafatir al-Warraq" by the novelist Jalal Burjess. san 2022; 3 (2) :275-297
URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-1-238-ar.html
صیادانی علی، احمدزاده هوج پرویز، حیدري شهلا. فاعلية تآزرية الحواس (السمع والبصر) في رواية "دفاتر الوراق" للروائي جلال برجس. دراسات في السردانية العربية. ۱۴۴۴; ۳ (۲) :۲۷۵-۲۹۷

URL: http://san.khu.ac.ir/article-۱-۲۳۸-ar.html

۱- جامعة الشهید مدني بأذربیجان ، a.sayadani@azaruniv.ac.ir
۲- جامعة الشهيد مدني بأذربيجان
۳- جامعة الشهید مدني بأذربیجان
الملخّص:   (۱۹۴۰ المشاهدة)
بما أن الرواية لها حصة التأثير على وقع المتلقي، فقد يستخدمها الروائيون لبث الواقع المعيشي لتواكب الحدثيات بشكل مفبرك يهتم بالجانب الملفت كالحواس أكثر من باقي الجوانب. ولكن ما بقي في موضع الإهمال هو الحديث عن فاعلية التآزرية في آلية الحواس،  حيث إنها لم تحظ بموضع اهتمام يصب عليها مرتكزات النقاد بصورة خاصة کما حظیت آلیة التراسل وغیرها؛ من هذا المنطلق اخترنا رواية "دفاتر الوراق" للكاتب جلال برجس نموذجاً حتى ندرس من خلالها الآليات الحسية التي تحمل صورة الحدثيات في المقاطع السردية بشکل متضافر، مع التدقيق على حاستي السمع والبصر حسب المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. وتبيّن لنا من خلال النتائج بأنّ الكاتب ربط هذه التآزرية مع الواقع المعيشي ليصور المقاربة  بینهما أکثر، وكان هذا من ناحية ما لقصد التوسيع في مساحة التأثير على المتلقي، ومن ناحية أخرى ليخلق إندماجاً بین عالمین مختلفین کالسردي والواقعي أثناء عملیة السرد. وهذا التوزيع بین الأحاسيس المتآزرة على الجوانب المقسمة _الواقعي والمجازي_ أدى إلى تمثلات جمالية تتراوح بمدلولاتها على ترابط الجانبين، وقد أبدع به برجس في تضافر الخيال وواقع الأحداث في روايته.
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نوع البحث: بحثیة | موضوع مقاله: بحثیه

قائمة المصادر
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26. Bin Faris, Zakaria, Ahmed Abi Al-Hussein, (N. D), "A Dictionary of Language Standards", Part One, Edited and Controlled by: Abdel Salam Muhammad Haroun, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia.
27. Al-Khatib, Ali Ezz Al-Din, (N.D), “The Five Senses in the Stories of Latifa Al-Dulaimi, An Analytical Study of the Roles of the Senses in Building the Narrative World”, an article in the Journal of the College of Education, No. 9, p.p (156-230).
28. Shehata, Hassan, (1992), "Teaching the Arabic language between theory and practice", (1 edition), Egyptian Lebanese House, Cairo.
29. Al-Ta’i, Shuruq Mohsen, (2012), “The Dimensions of the Audio and Rhythmic Image in Nahj Al-Balagha”, an article in the Basra Research Journal, Volume 37, Number 2012_1, p.p (53-76).
30. Ghonimi Hilal, Muhammad, (N.D), "Studies and Models in Poetry Doctrines and Criticism", Cairo: Dar Al-Nahda Egypt, for printing and publishing.
31. Kashash, Muhammad, (2001), "Language and Senses: A Vision in Communication and Expression by Non-Linguistic Signs", (edition 1), first edition, Modern Library.
32. Al-Kilani, Majid Arsan, (2005), “Education, renewal and the development of effectiveness among the contemporary Arab, research on the political origins of education in the Arab countries”, (edition 1), Dar Al-Qalam for Publishing and Distribution, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
33. Magdalene, Sharaf El-Din, (2010), "The Narrative Image in Novel, Story and Cinema", Al-Ikhlaf Publications, (1 edition), Algeria.
34. MacLeish, Archibald, (1963), "Poetry and Experience", translated by: Salma Khadra Al-Jayousi, review: Tawfiq Sayegh, Beirut: Dar Al-Waqada Al-Arabiya.
35. MaCullough, William J. (1999), "The Art of Speaking and Persuasion", translated by: Wafeeq Mazen, (ed. 3), Dar Al Maaref.
36. Yaqtin, Saeed, (2012), "The Issues of the New Arab Novel, Existence and Borders", (1 edition), Dar Al-Arabiya for Science Publishers, Al-Ikhlaf Publications, Dar Al-Aman - Rabat.
37. Ibrahim, Jawdat; Heba Fakhoury,(2015), "The effect of the senses on forming the poetic image of Souad Al-Sabah", An article in the Al-Baath University Journal, Volume 37, Issue 12, p.p (201-234).
38. Ibrahim, Sabioni, (1997), "Teaching Science and Scientific Education", (1st Edition), Dar Al Maaref, Cairo.
39. Ibn Manzoor, Al- Allameh Imam (1999), “Lisan al-Arab”, Part One, Two and Seven, Edited by: Amin Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab; Muhammad Al-Sadiq Al-Obaidi, (3rd Edition), House of Revival of the Arab Heritage for Printing and Publishing, Foundation for Arab History, Beirut_Lebanon.
40. Abu Asbah, Saleh, (1979), "The Poetic Movement in Occupied Palestine, a Critical Study", (1st Edition), Beirut: The Arab Foundation for Studies and Publishing.
41. Adwaa, Bint Muhammad, Bin Ibrahim Jaafar, (2019), “The Approach to Raising the Child’s Senses in Islam and its Educational Applicabilities (with a suggested program)”, an article within the Journal of Scientific Research in Education, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia, No. 20, p.p (309-330).
42. Eco, Umberto, (1996), "The Reader in the Story", translated by: Antoine Abou Zeid, (1st Edition), Beirut, Casablanca, the Arab Cultural Center.
43. Barjas, Jalal, (2020),"Dafater Al-warraq", Novel, The Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing - Lebanon.
44. Bin Faris, Zakaria, Ahmed Abi Al-Hussein, (N. D), "A Dictionary of Language Standards", Part One, Edited and Controlled by: Abdel Salam Muhammad Haroun, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia.
45. Al-Khatib, Ali Ezz Al-Din, (N.D), “The Five Senses in the Stories of Latifa Al-Dulaimi, An Analytical Study of the Roles of the Senses in Building the Narrative World”, an article in the Journal of the College of Education, No. 9, p.p (156-230).
46. Shehata, Hassan, (1992), "Teaching the Arabic language between theory and practice", (1 edition), Egyptian Lebanese House, Cairo.
47. Al-Ta’i, Shuruq Mohsen, (2012), “The Dimensions of the Audio and Rhythmic Image in Nahj Al-Balagha”, an article in the Basra Research Journal, Volume 37, Number 2012_1, p.p (53-76).
48. Ghonimi Hilal, Muhammad, (N.D), "Studies and Models in Poetry Doctrines and Criticism", Cairo: Dar Al-Nahda Egypt, for printing and publishing.
49. Kashash, Muhammad, (2001), "Language and Senses: A Vision in Communication and Expression by Non-Linguistic Signs", (edition 1), first edition, Modern Library.
50. Al-Kilani, Majid Arsan, (2005), “Education, renewal and the development of effectiveness among the contemporary Arab, research on the political origins of education in the Arab countries”, (edition 1), Dar Al-Qalam for Publishing and Distribution, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
51. Magdalene, Sharaf El-Din, (2010), "The Narrative Image in Novel, Story and Cinema", Al-Ikhlaf Publications, (1 edition), Algeria.
52. MacLeish, Archibald, (1963), "Poetry and Experience", translated by: Salma Khadra Al-Jayousi, review: Tawfiq Sayegh, Beirut: Dar Al-Waqada Al-Arabiya.
53. MaCullough, William J. (1999), "The Art of Speaking and Persuasion", translated by: Wafeeq Mazen, (ed. 3), Dar Al Maaref.
54. Yaqtin, Saeed, (2012), "The Issues of the New Arab Novel, Existence and Borders", (1 edition), Dar Al-Arabiya for Science Publishers, Al-Ikhlaf Publications, Dar Al-Aman - Rabat.

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التصمیم و البرمجة : یکتاوب افزار شرق

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