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44. Al-Zulaitni, Muhammad Lutfi (2014), “From discourse analysis to critical discourse analysis,” Al-Khattab Journal, 17p, pp. 9-36.
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46. Bahrawi, Hassan (1990), The Structure of the Narrative Form, Beirut: The Arab Cultural Center.
47. Fairclough, Norman (1379) Critical Analysis of Discourse, translators: Fatemeh Shaista Piran and others, editors: Mohammad Nabovi and Mehran Mohajer, Tehran: Center for Media Studies and Research.
48. Fairclough, Norman (2000), An Introduction to Critical Discourse, translated by Shaban Ali Bahrampour, Tehran: Farhang Gofteman.
49. Fairclough, Norman (2016a), Language and Power, translated by: Mohamed Anani, Cairo: The National Center for Translation.
50. Fairclough, Norman (2016b), Political Discourse Analysis, translated by: Abdel Fattah Amora, Damascus: Dar Al-Farqad.
51. Helmy, Khalil (1998), Studies in Language and Dictionaries, Beirut: Dar Al-Nahda.
52. Jorgensen, Marian and Phillips, Louise (2012), Theory and Method in Discourse Analysis, translated by Hadi Jalili, 3rd edition, Tehran: Nai.
53. Murtad, Abdul-Malik (1991), In Narrative Techniques, Kuwait: The World of Knowledge.
54. Nowruz, Mahdi and Frangis Farhoud (1395), “Teaching exhortation Saadi Dar Bostan Pa Roykard Gaftman critical analysis of Farclaf’s theory”, Journal of Educational Literature, Vol. 8, No. 32, pp. 161-190.
55. Qahramani, Ali and Fadel Bidar (1399), “A critical analysis of Ghaftman’s sermons by Ali (peace be upon him) in the direction of the flow of public sales,” Alawi Research Journal, Vol. 11, No. 21, pp. 1-25.
56. Shafi’ian, Subhan Wakatayun Falahi and Laila Qasemi Hajiabadi (1441), “Analysis of the circumstantial and textual texts of Laz Taher Watar’s novel,” Journal of the Islamic College Jamia, Vol. 1, No. 53, pp. 542-557.
57. Yarmahmoudi, Lotfollah (2013), popular and critical discourse analysis, Tehran: Hermes.